This is not only a tribute to self-preservation, but also a tribute to Gao Fei, and it is also a memory of the late frigga

Looking at the sky, Carrie’s face flew high and smiled like an old father.
"Come on, Carrie, show them what you can do."
distant place
The dark elf battleship crashed and attacked the system, and it was a pool of scrap metal.
Malekis went on the rampage and jumped from the battleship and walked towards "Goofy"
"Earth person, I am impressed by you. I have to admit that I underestimated your strength …"
"But now I have no way out. I have a way ahead of me, and that is to fight you to the death!"
"Killing you and making the world dark forever has become the lifelong pursuit of our dark elves …"
"Or you killed and died in the battlefield, and then the dark elves in the universe."
Speaking of which, the release of Malekis is too granular, and the whole person floats to the middle of the school, and his body is covered with a scarlet light.
"come on Let me see whether you are strong or I am better! "
The radiation form of too many particles of energy before the voice falls hits "Goofy" and gradually wraps Goofy in the scarlet energy field.
Seeing this scene, the Avengers all "goofy" and squeezed a sweat. Although "goofy" just performed well, it was too granular. After all, it was not a cover.
However, "Goofy", or Carrie to be exact, was not nervous at all.
She smiled at the radiation and smiled gently. "Alien monster, is this a gift you gave me?"
After saying her word, Carrie used her most original ability-swallowing.
This is the root that she can respond to, and she doesn’t need to think much.
Seeing the enemy throw a powerful energy source as a weapon, Carrie chose to take it, of course!
Now, in the eyes of Mary Keith Carrie, it’s like a slag who picked up a piece of top equipment and didn’t hurry to hide far away, but he kept showing off and provoking Carrie with top equipment.
As if to say, "Look, although I can’t beat you, I’m better equipped than you! Look! I have good equipment! "
This is simply a blatant gift of equipment! ! !
Malekis had a big fight between them, and they had to be killed in the dark. I didn’t expect that he had just made Taizi suddenly feel like he was being smoked around his body!
Too much speed to be seen by the naked eye passed, and Malekis suddenly felt weak!
"How … what’s the matter? !”
The dark elf leader shouted in despair.
"Taizi, come back!"
Carrie almost laughed. "You’re so sweet. It’s you. Can it promise to call it?"? Tell you who this baby will get! "
After saying his word, too many grains have been taken over by Carrie’s plate. The two beams of light in Carrie’s body merge to give off a dazzling brilliance!
At this time, Carrie not only sat on the gem, but also part of the energy of the soul gem was successfully blended, and at the same time, she gathered the energy of three limited gems!
Malekis is not even an ant in her eyes.
"Did you kill frigga?"
Carrie asked coldly, staring at Malkis.
"I …" Male Keith just ready to answer the whole body in a super energy beam.
"I asked symbolically, but I didn’t really want you to answer." Carrie sneered.
B! ! !
The battle is over, dark elf bones!
Chapter 37 The strongest Avengers

Suddenly receiving this news, Shandi is of course excited. What’s more, he doesn’t need to be trained physically and outdoors. He needs to fight and train others. He believes that another soldier king will be born two years later.

Especially before the qualification of Longying Level I is pending, Sandy doesn’t need to race against time.
Because once Tang Yi failed, Longying would have lost this special job from then on.
Although it is past the time for recruits to join the army, if Longying looks at people, it will definitely guarantee the green light all the way.
This is why Shen Mengyao was directly incorporated into the army after returning to China.
Special talents take special channels, which is also Long Yingli.
"I’m afraid not yet. He has to deal with something else now. It will be a week at the earliest."
Niu Buer has now returned to Yin and Yang Ridge directly with Zhou Wentong’s secret.
According to Zhou Wentong’s meaning, a dozen residents of Yinyangling will be moved out before the deep winter.
After all, the wonders of Yin-Yang Ridge were obtained because the steep peaks around blocked most of the cold air and the hot springs overflowed.
Once in the deep winter, the snow closes the mountain and the Panshan Highway is extremely dangerous, and it is isolated from the outside world for at least one month.
Just after entering the northeast, Zhou’s regiment established a concept village. The houses in that village have brought the latest materials into play this winter, and they have been temporarily settled there until the spring of next year.
"Okay, no problem. I’ll take someone in a week."
Sandy is full of joy, but this good seedling who didn’t join the army can’t escape
In any case, he will put his income into a new generation of soldiers and train them.
I heard Fu Huanxi talking for two more sentences before hanging up.
At this time of year, Sandy will look for new recruits in a needle in a haystack.
Although hundreds of thousands of people join the army every year, there are not many good seedlings from there.
Coupled with the devil’s month, many people insist on the law
Fortunately, there are other veterans signing up, which ensures that the elimination rate of more than 90% can still allow Longying to operate.
Stepping back to the office, Tang Yi gently knocked on the door, and Zhou Wentong immediately came inside.
"Thank you so much this time."
Tang Yi came into the office and looked at the piles of papers on his desk.
Zhou Wentong was still sitting there, carefully studying various reports and meeting minutes.
When Tang Yi came in, Zhou Wentong immediately took off his glasses and revealed a smile.
"When did you become so polite? This kind of thing is just easy for me."
Rubbed his nose, Zhou Wentong got up and stretched himself. It was really tiring to sit for a long time.
"It may be a small thing for you, but it is a big thing for those villagers. I have just heard Niu Buer talk about their village life. Maybe it is a fairyland for people in the city, but people who have lived there for generations have to face too many problems. If all the people in the mountains can be moved out in the future, this is definitely the best good thing."
According to Niu Buer, when he was studying, he had to get up at four o’clock in the morning and go out. He had to climb two mountains to get to the town school.
Even if he doesn’t learn now, he will send his children to learn every day.
There are many wild animals in the mountains and forests. In recent years, with the returning farmland to forests, it is said that wolves and wild boars have also come out in the deep mountains.
Although this also proves that the beautiful natural environment is good, it is an additional threat to people living there.
It is only a part of his life to go out early and come back late to pick up the children. All kinds of farm work, chopping wood and carrying water, occupy most of his time.
If it can completely change there, it is definitely a good thing.
"I find that you have a good sense of justice, but don’t worry, my father is a soldier. I have known since I was a child that people should contribute to the society, but then again, this time it is a little help. How are you going to thank me?"
Zhou Wentong suddenly blinked wittily and watched.

Just fight. Isn’t it normal to fight when you are young?

Half autumn is very worried, "Princess, will they be all right?"
Mu Jiyue sat lazily on the dresser and took down the jewelry in the first half of the spring. She wanted to rest.
"Can have what thing? Learn from each other. "
Chapter 127 I am responsible for I marry you
Fighting is also a way of communication.
Someone outside looked for Banqiu to go out for a while and came back to look at Mu Jiyue and hesitated. "Where did the princess put the Tong Wu police?"
Everything in the palace is in the charge of Mu Jiyue, and any changes must be allowed by Mu Jiyue.
This time, Tong Wu’s return to the Palace is the Nangong Hanxi Passage.
Nangong Hanxi has a card given by the first emperor and can enter the palace at any time.
But it is only natural that Tong Wu wants to live in the palace as an emperor
But some people can’t.
Ji Yue pondered over the "Four Seasons Courtyard"
Mid-autumn secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "That’s a good place that the Tong Wu Association likes."
Ji Yue faintly ordered, "You go and arrange it. I don’t want to see them in the palace."
The Four Seasons Courtyard covers a large area and has four different courtyards, each with picturesque scenery and different charm.
This courtyard was personally decorated by an Hou, but it has been abandoned since her death. It was not until Mu Jiyue became the master that this courtyard was put back into care.
Living in Tong Wu is also a complement to each other.
Tong Wu looked around at the beautiful scenery and looked at the arrangement, knowing that people didn’t treat him badly.
But his mood is still very complicated.
It’s the middle of autumn. "Wu Tonggong hopes you like it here."
Wu Tongmeng looked back pleasantly surprised and cried, "Half Autumn Girl, you are here."
Half autumn slightly headed lightly smiled. "The Four Seasons Courtyard is the most beautiful place in the palace, and the princess is very thoughtful."
Although he didn’t support him, he gave him the greatest respect.
Such a mind is her most respect.
Tong Wu felt a warm heart. "Thank her for me. She has always been awkward but her heart is good."
Mid-autumn is to come and see if he can adapt to the layout of the house.
"I’m relieved that you can think so."
No sooner had she stepped out than Tong Wu stopped her, "Hey, wait a minute."
Mid-autumn turned back slightly, with a delicate face shining in the moonlight. "What else can I do for Wu Gong?"
Tong Wu somehow in what "my master a how not to enter the palace? I want them to live in the palace. "
Mu family wanted to enter the palace, but the Nangong Hanxi refused to nod.
This is his house. Did he let anyone live in it?
Half autumn eyebrow eye a cold "what is their identity? How can you live in a palace? Palace rules can’t be broken. "
Incredibly want to take those people into the palace and let the princess live together with those people?
Isn’t he afraid of a bloody case?
Wu Tong smiled and said, "I don’t trust living outside, girl. You’d better help me plead."
In his mouth, it’s a mistake to bathe in the moon. It’s a mistake to forbid his teacher’s family to live in the palace.
He has lived in Qingquan Villa since he was a child and regards his Qingquan Villa as a part of each other.
Now that I’m in the palace, it’s natural to live together.
Half autumn sneer at a very impolite tear "no wonder the princess doesn’t kiss you, in addition to the difficulty, she just embarrassed her and didn’t regard her as a relative."
I never think about problems from the standpoint of Mu Jiyue, but I think of myself as a family member.
This position is problematic, but it can’t hold people’s habits.
Tong Wu is a little upset. How do you say this? It is to let them live in the palace. How can you say it is so serious? "
Is he at ease when he is a stranger?
Mid-autumn suddenly became angry. He said it was so easy.
"You will worry about mu family, but it never occurred to you that this harem is a top priority, and you will never stay outside the house. If you are not careful, you will be criticized for forcing the princess to break the rules. Do you think she is not doing well enough? It’s so chilling. I feel sorry for the princess. "
When the harem comes, there is a rule that men outside can’t stay overnight.
Tong Wu realized that he had said something wrong and hurt others.
"Mid-autumn girl, I am used to living with Master’s family and I didn’t think so much."
A habit makes Banqiu very frustrated. Yes, people can’t change their habits when they are young.
No matter how good the Lord treats him, he can’t change his mind. The most important thing is to yearn for his family.

After hearing Fu Jingsi’s sentence "Yes", Jirou suddenly smiled.

In fact, she really wants him to say "no" so that she can at least have a reason to stay with him.
Now that he answers so simply, she can’t find a suitable reason to say herself.
"One last question," Jirou looked up and held back her tears and asked him, "Why did you adopt me?"
This time Fu Jingsi failed to answer for the first time.
Many people have asked him this question, and he has asked himself, but he has not found the answer today.
It was a few minutes before he answered her "probably … compassion"
"Isn’t it revenge?" Ji Rou smiled wryly. "You should be very happy to see your enemy woman forced to survive and not beg for death?"
"No," Fu Jingsi said, "Jirou, believe it or not, I never wanted to get back at you."
Season soft didn’t speak around him and then stopped beside Zhou Shensheng.
Her action is that b answer.
"I said that Rourou is a measured person."
Zhou Shensheng looked at Fu Jingsi and gave him a marching orders with a smile.
"Now that it’s done, Mr. Fu doesn’t have to cut his own throat here."
"I remember your answer." Fu Jingsi took a look at Ji Rou and left without looking back.
Looking at his back, the corners of his eyes are moist.
She raised her hand and wiped it casually, then went back to her room to pack.
It seems that something bad will happen every time she returns to Los Angeles. She has some doubts about whether she is in conflict with this place-
When Fu Jingsi came out of the hotel, Yu Sen was already waiting in the building.
Today is the day he went to the hospital for reexamination. He made an appointment with the doctor at ten o’clock. Yu Sen came here early in the morning for fear of being late.
Fu Jingsi saw the wound on his face in the rearview mirror.
"Mr. Fu, your face-"
"Nothing" Fu Jingsi waved at him "Your car"
See Fu Jingsi’s mood is not right. Yu Sen will shut up and dare not say any more.
Fu Jingsi’s arm recovered well, and the doctor directly removed the gypsum board for him, suddenly freeing his hands. Fu Jingsi was relieved a lot, but his heart was still heavy.
After coming out of the hospital, Fu Jingsi and Yu Sen went to the kindergarten to take them home.
Seeing Fu Jingsi’s hand plasterboard without any experience, I couldn’t do it. I put my hands around his arm and asked curiously, "Dad, is your wound healed?"
Fu Jingsi smiled unconsciously after hearing the sound.
He touched the little guy’s head. "Well, it’s almost good."
"But dad should be careful," he told him seriously. "I asked the teacher. She said it would take a hundred days to get well."
"Well, thank you."
The little guy’s words really warmed Fu Jingsi up. At this time, he finally understood why so many people want their daughters. It is indeed a very happy thing to be remembered by his daughter.
"Dad, let’s celebrate tonight." Blinking our eyes, we suggested, "Celebrate your health. Let’s call all your good friends!"
"Huh?" Fu Jingsi didn’t quite understand her meaning.
"The teacher said that when there is good news, we should share it with our good friends" and solemnly explained to Fu Jingsi that "we should not be selfish and learn to share it"
"… well"
Fu Jingsi was convinced by her that she could promise to come.
"Well, I’ll call them and ask them to come to our house."
"Mm-hmm, that’s great." With Ba Xi smiling, "I can see beautiful Ayu again."
I have met Yu Shenlan several times, but I like her very much. I want to come to Ayu together, and she will never stop boasting.
Fu Jingsi hasn’t heard this name for a long time. Yu Xinlan has evaporated since she broke up with Nancheng.
At half past six in the evening, the three of them arrived at Fu Jingsi’s house on time.
Today alone, there is a person in Nancheng, Jiang Yun with Yan Wu and Gu Jin with Shi Mu.
Jiang Yun seldom brings Yan Wu out at ordinary times. This should be the first time to take her to dinner with friends.
Yan Wu is afraid of being photographed by paparazzi with sunglasses, masks and caps.
After entering the door, the first thing she did was to bring these obstacles.
After Yan Wu exposed her face, she suddenly "wow".
She pointed to Yan Wu and said excitedly, "Dad, I have seen this aunt! My mother covered my eyes when she kissed another uncle-"
73. Jirou, do you know how many years for child abduction?
When this word came out, the whole world was quiet.
Everyone looked at Jiang Yun with a good look.
Section 9
Yan Wu has been very popular in the past two years, and she has been seen in David’s hit dramas. It is not unusual to see her. Everyone is curious about whether Jiang Yun can accept his woman to play passionate dramas with other men.
"Haha, it seems that I am really popular."
Yan Wu didn’t feel embarrassed at all, but squatted down and kissed her face.
"Honey, it’s so cute. Auntie takes you to film and play."
"Really?" A little excited. "Then can I see myself in sight?"
"Of course," Yan Wu touched her head and smiled. "You are so cute that you will be red."
"I don’t think this drama is right."
Gu Jin took one look at talking with Yan Wu, and then looked at the calm on the side. Jiang Yun always felt that something was wrong.
Don’t Jiang Yungen care that Yan Wu is very much in love with other men?

The village chief led several men forward to help bind the rope net.

When the helicopter took off again, Li Yun jumped the rope and made a second desperate flight.
The heavy rain is still howling, and the second rescue is successful again.
When the helicopter flies back again, it will carry some old people this time.
"Village head, we discussed letting young people go first. We are all buried in the ground. It’s not a problem to die. They are still young, so we can’t let them go first."
Human nature is sometimes ugly and sometimes light.
On the edge of life and death, some people don’t want dignity, but others are willing to give up hope.
"You know what? Let the family go first."
When everyone was hesitating, Tang Qiang said
At this time, it is a test of human nature to be able to go one way or the other.
In rural areas, the man is the head of the household and the pillar of the whole family’s income.
Segmented reading 17
Old and young, if they are not at home, they will be broken.
Tang Yi’s dialect was approved, so it was sorted again.
"This girl is really good."
When the plane took off for the third time, Lin Feng couldn’t help but say
"What’s the matter?"
Tang Yi didn’t understand why Lin Feng suddenly praised others.
"I’ve been pulling for so long that my hand hurts badly. She flew three times and didn’t say a word."
Even through the tactical gloves, I feel that the palm of my hand is burning. What kind of pain will Li Yun have when hanging on the rope?
Just then, a sad cry caught Tang Yi’s attention.
Chapter 39 Life and death rescue
Cry sadly and tear your heart out.
Even though it is raining cats and dogs, I still listen to bursts of eagerness.
Tang Yi turned his head curiously and heard a woman crying.
"Let me go home, I beg you."
"Let me go back and die with him."
"I don’t want to live either. Let me die. My life is gone."
Looking down the direction of screaming, a woman covered in mud was lying on the ground struggling.
About five or six villagers held her in tears but didn’t say a word, clutching him desperately.
"What’s the situation"
Tang Yi asked curiously about the village head.
What’s going on?
"Her child is still at home, but her home has been washed away by mudslides and she can’t go back to her."
The village chief sighed, which is also pitiful.

The white goose flew over with its wings full of sympathy and told her, "You can’t be a teacher elder sister. He is your brother and my third younger brother."

Sure enough, Baihuaxian said, "Xiu Xiu, I have never officially accepted you as a disciple, and you are the youngest. Today, I will officially accept you and Gu Qingshan into Zongmen, and you are the last."
She also judo "so that they can all take care of you"
Xiu Xiu, a girl named after listening to the second half of the sentence, lost her face and felt happy.
Baihuaxian waved two small jade cards before Gu Qingshan and Xiu Xiu.
Gu Qingshan looked at the jade card and wrote the words "mountain" and "show" respectively.
Chapter 15 Identity
"Jade brand is an ID card. With jade brand, Baihua Xianguo and Baihua Palace can’t go anywhere." Baihua Xian said with a smile.
"My people don’t talk about any rules. If you don’t understand the peace of mind, ask the big brother and the second brother. You can come to me if you don’t understand."
Gu Qingshan and Xiu Xiu received waist tags respectively.
Baihuaxian ordered, "Bai Yingtian, Xiu Xiu has officially moved in today. You go and clean up the place for both of them."
The white goose flew away with a flapping wing.
"Evil ACTS" Baihuaxian added
"Master commanded" Qin Xiaolou bow way
"You take Castle Peak for a walk first and tell me about my living situation. In the afternoon, you will go to Qingshi to pick the list of flowers instead of your big brother."
"Yes" Qin Xiao Corridor
"Castle Peak and Xiu Xiu Day, you can practice for the New Year’s Test. It’s not far away, and then you will go through the motions to see the monks."
"All right, you go."
Gu Qingshan and Xiu Xiu nodded "Yes" together.
Three people withdrew from Baihua Hall.
Take the white jade shop and touch the belly of Qin Xiaolou on the ground. Suddenly, "I’m a little hungry."
Xiu Xiu’s eyes lit up immediately and even Gu Qingshan had some expectations.
Zhuolang Gong claims that the six arts are not refined, but spiritual food is especially good at it.
Qin Xiaolou’s spiritual food feast is not only beneficial to the yogi’s health, but also delicious, which is first-class in the world.
Qin Xiaolou has been the object that many gourmets cling to and curry favor with in past lives.
Xiu Xiu asked softly, "What is the second brother eating today?"
Qin Xiaolou, look at her, and then look after Qingshan Road. "Let’s not worry, big brother, it’s your wedding day again, so we’ll eat roast goose."
Gu Qingshan suddenly Bai Baihua Fairy. What do you mean he’s an evil ACTS?
"Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah
"Don’t tell it Xiu Xiu pool" Qin Xiaolou hurriedly.
Gu Qingshan suddenly said, "I heard that Baihua Xianguo Linghua Elixir is well-known in all directions. Why don’t we have a vegetarian meal?"
Qin Xiaolou whispered, "Teacher younger brother really did his homework and knew that my fasting was wonderful."
"All right," he mused slightly. "Let’s take a cloud boat to the site of the Cangshan Sect of Baihua Foreign Countries. There is a Yihonglou where we can listen to music while-"
Xiu Xiu mercilessly stared his one eye.
Qin Xiaolou’s horse turned to the tune, "Well, let’s not go there or go to the nearest Baiji Temple in Nanjie where there are ready-made vegetarian materials."
But he gave Gu Qingshan a wink and motioned for each other to have a chance.
This is really a clown. Gu Qingshan couldn’t help thinking
The three of them left the palace and went to Baekje Temple in the south.
Qin Xiaolou was busy going for a vegetarian meal. Xiu Xiu was not familiar with Gu Qingshan, so he was a little embarrassed and got up to look around the Buddha statue.
At this time, Gu Qingshan finally found time to play the interface of Mars.
Rows of fireflies have long been on display.
"The Battle of Destiny Falls (Completed)"
"Describe the return of Gong Sunzhi and Ning Yuechan ‘an to the Terran and tell the Terran Godsworn the secrets of the world. At the same time, the high-level traitor of the Terran-the Knife Emperor was killed by a hundred flowers and immortals ushered in an unprecedented new situation."
"Reward the God of War (special plot)"
"Do you receive a reward?"
Gu Qingshan did not hesitate to say "receive"
All parts of the Ares interface disappeared and a round roulette wheel appeared instead.
The roulette wheel has five deep holes carved with complicated patterns and patterns.
Lines of firefly fine print appear with each passing day.
"Please ask the player to find five things that meet the pattern requirements in 4 hours and put them in the roulette pit."
"On whether the players will draw the god of war after four hours"
"The faster the speed of qi, the higher the level of qi, and the higher the probability of extracting a powerful avatar."
Gu Qingshan looked at it and said that he gently rubbed his hand.
Whether or not you can get five things together, you can extract the avatar.
However, short time-consuming, homogeneous and high-level, will definitely help to extract powerful magical powers.
There are four hours
Gu Qingshan looked at the five patterns when he grasped it.
The first pattern is a monster that can’t see his face and eats the body on his stomach.

So he said directly, "Where did that sister come from?"

"Where did you and your wife come from?" The woman is rhetorical question
Essence Zheng was on the other side of the man is a group with her.
"You’ve been following us for so long. Do you know where we come from?" Essence sneer at asked not much to hide.
"Tracking?" The woman’s rhetorical question seems very different.
"Isn’t it? Follow me all the way from Guapeng to here, "said Essence.
The woman shook her head but said, "It’s just the same way. It’s the same way from here to Guapeng, and it’s a coincidence that it’s the same way from Guapeng."
You!’ Essence is finally angry and angry. This woman is obviously playing her.
"It’s not easy for a girl to get angry at this age." The woman smiled.
Essence raised his eyebrows and gave her a look. "Elder sister, you are not necessarily young."
This woman is at least as old as she is. She may be thirty at the age of seven.
"How can you be young when you are a grandmother? It won’t be difficult for me to return my granddaughter’s silver needle," the woman said lightly
"You are … grandma! ?” Essence frightened to think of the little girl just now, at least there are fifteen or sixteen!
The woman smiled and said nothing.
Essence said, "How can I go back to what I sent out? Your granddaughter is willing to give it to me."
She admitted that she liked the silver carver very much, but the material was 100% pure silver.
It is obviously too extravagant to take this thing as hidden weapons.
All possibilities. This thing wasn’t hidden weapons!
Take it back to Lin Ruo for snow. She will love it.
It’s best to give it to Jade Evil and let him give it to that girl as a gift to surprise her!
Otherwise, Yu Xie is stupid and doesn’t even know that he wants to spend this Tanabata.
"That girl didn’t say that she wanted to send you. You bullied Xiaoqiang and forced her." The woman said that she was vaguely dissatisfied in her eyes before everything he and her husband were watching from a distance.
"I didn’t touch her hair!" Essence hurriedly excuse.
"Girl, my granddaughter saw that it was difficult for your husband to help you kindly, but your husband and wife bullied them both. Is this cruel?" The woman asked as if she was going to settle accounts.
Essence that white sneer at a way "originally is to settle accounts I also I just got here who have sinned against! If you want to settle accounts with your granddaughter, what is her bravado? Your granddaughter won’t admit that my husband and wife bullied them. It’s just a joke. Is it so serious? "
"Don’t be serious, let you return the silver needle. Are you so serious?" The woman asked.
"Is it true?" Essence is stubborn. If it weren’t for her constant juggling on weekdays, I’m sorry tonight. I’m in a bad mood. I still want to fight and I can’t find my opponent!
"Try not to hurt somebody else’s girl by taking the silver needle." The woman said lightly and sat back.
Essence is wondering where her arrogance is. However, in this instant heart, she suddenly turned around and saw ten black shadow guards arranged behind her, and then a messy step came to see the front and rear sides. There will be an army coming here and holding bows and arrows!
Essence some puzzling think this woman make a mountain out of a molehill, she really is a joke with the two children don’t know whether ling si night anyway, she is!
Is this silver needle in her hand? !
That kid didn’t give anything at that time, although she did have some threats …
"Who are you?" Essence frowned and asked if he could dispatch an army. This man must be a court official.
"Give me back the silver needle!" The woman cold tone is still different essence more nonsense.
"Are you in? Soon it was a silver needle and an archer was dispatched! " Essence asked
"Palace once again give me back the silver needle!" The woman said coldly
"No!" Essence is so good humiliate?
"Come!" Woman’s cold order
"Lingsi Night!" Bai Suyin is bigger than her. "Say it, and it will rise high in the thousands of arrows."
Ling Si night is as painful as a long-lost opponent fighting with a man. He heard a scream from Essence, and this just slowed down and hurriedly chased him up and found something was wrong.
What’s wrong with this woman? How did she soon lead to an army! ?
The bow and arrow continued to shoot the essence, hiding and flashing, and I forgot to shoot at the moment, which was very embarrassing.
Ling Si hurried to protect her behind her at night. With a wave of his hand, Leng Xuanjian mercilessly swept away like a mountain. The archers on both sides were repelled, but no one was left.
And the rest of the street is not lucky that several stalls have disappeared.
Essence huanguo to god on ling si frowned behind the night and asked "the woman? Why is it gone? "
"In front," said Ling Si night lightly, raising his head.
Sure enough, the man who had just fought with him saved the woman, and the two of them were in front of them. It seems that the husband and wife are too old to grow up.
Even this man’s speed can drive him with a firm but gentle speed. Save him from the cold Xuanjian!

Whether Qin Dingfang really collaborates with the enemy or not, Qin Honghu is firm on Qin Dingfang’s side.

Because Qin Dingfang bought him off and gave him a lot of money and promised to give him another fortune in the future.
Qin Honghu then cried, "I believe that the magic of Kunlun, the king of Qin, is a bird who followed the king of Qin to get money for his brothers …"
Qin Honghu came with several hands.
Almost all infernos are people who seek money for profit. Qin Dingfang usually gives money and things. Many people also recognize Qin Dingfang and follow Qin Honghu.
There are still some inferno masters who haven’t moved yet.
This part of the devil cholera head
Cholera cried, "Don’t believe that the North Devil took everyone to meet Blood Ancestor and swore allegiance to Blood Ancestor. Now he has gone back on his word. Everyone wants to live forever and help Blood Ancestor!"
The Hunger knew that Qin Dingfang was selfish and asked Yu Beixue to buy cholera, so he could also send a team at this time.
So cholera led the remaining demons to Qin Honghu and they fought in a scuffle.
This is really lively and defeated the Wulin alliance inferno
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one The inferno (3)
There was a fierce battle between the two sides, and some people were killed and fell to the ground, and soon many demons came one after another. They were amazed to see one of their own fighting in one place.
Cholera greeted these later inferno experts to help The Hunger Qin Honghu, and then shouted for them to help Qin Dingfang. So later, they rushed to the inferno experts to help Qin Dingfang according to their preferences.
With the continuous participation of personnel, the fighting became more and more fierce, and the scene was a mess.
The Hunger and Yu Beixue also took the opportunity to evade the people in many places. It is more difficult for Qin Dingfang to tell who is who. Qin Dingfang not only killed several people who supported the blood magic, but also killed two people who helped others by mistake.
The demons also don’t understand Qin Dingfang covering his eyes.
The Hunger looked like a fly in the chaos. Qin Dingfang sighed in his heart. The Hunger raised his bleeding finger and put his mouth to suck his magic face. He also regained his mocking color.
The Hunger today is really miscalculated and almost destroyed Qin Dingfang’s hands.
The Hunger, even if Qin Dingfang turned against him, he could control the situation by controlling magic. As a result, Qin Dingfang had already made all preparations.
Fortunately, I finally survived the most dangerous time.
Now The Hunger is a shoo-in.
Because the static magic will decide the overall situation as soon as it arrives.
The static demon should have come long ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet, which makes The Hunger very angry
If Jing Mo had arrived earlier, he wouldn’t have been flustered and lost a finger.
Qin Dingfang killed two people with a sword again, and I don’t know who killed them. I saw people flashing everywhere around me and I couldn’t hear both sides fighting.
The Hunger looked at random killing Qin Dingfang seems to forget that he was almost killed by Qin Dingfang earlier. He sneered at Qin Dingfang, "I can’t even look at me and want to kill me. It’s so stupid! I can’t believe you can’t see or hear what big waves can be turned up. "
The Hunger echoed in sound stage, but Qin Dingfang couldn’t hear him, but Qin Dingfang was white, so it was hard for him to kill The Hunger.
He didn’t dare to take the veil.
The Hunger won’t miss the opportunity to perform "magic control".
Qin Dingfang also dare not take the plug easily.
There is no way to fight in such a chaotic scene.
Let’s go before the static demon gets there.
Qin Dingfang’s figure rose from the killing field, and now he can’t tell the direction. Qin Dingfang then went in one direction at random. At the same time, he shouted at the support of his own people, "Let this fool everyone and leave first today! I’ll settle accounts with him tomorrow … "
So Qin Honghu and those who supported Qin Dingfang quickly broke through and evacuated.
Although The Hunger also wants to take the opportunity to kill Qin Dingfang, the present root people can stop Qin Dingfang.
The Hunger can also watch Qin Dingfang go.
Qin Dingfang floated a few feet before picking blindfolded cloth.
Looking back, Qin Dingfang saw The Hunger standing a big stone and looking in his hiding direction.
The Hunger saw Qin Dingfang turn his head and raise his hand to draw a magic control figure. Qin Dingfang was so surprised that he quickly turned around and continued to fly forward. The Hunger gave a scorn and ridicule.
Qin Dingfang was so angry that he shouted, "Shame on me and I will never let you go!"

Then he left the castellan’s mansion with Jiang Yu openly.

Leave Hu Wenshu alone here.
After getting the news, Mo Nanfei sent someone to explore at the first time.
Hu Wenshu stopped at the door and stared at them coldly.
"If you say you can’t get in, you can’t get in. Are you trying to force me to do it?"
"You misunderstood. We just want to see what else you need. Since you won’t let us in, we won’t."
To explore people immediately report the situation to Mo Nanfei after returning.
Ink south fly sneer at.
"A diversion from the East to the West is really a good plan."
"It’s a pity that I can’t act too much."
He said, how can Jiang Yu risk leaving? It’s true!
Although he doesn’t know where they got a girl who looks so similar to Jiang Yu.
But that woman is by no means Jiang Yu!
Not only Mo Nanfei thinks so, but so do the watchers outside the castellan’s mansion.
There are too many people to deal with Jiang Yu.
Now the whole Pengcheng family base is ready.
As soon as the people behind him gave the order, they rushed into the duke’s house to get ginger.
But they dare not make a move before they get the order. After all, they are not so bold to fly with Mo Nan.
But just in case, they still sent the news.
Hu Wenshu had three waves of attacks that night.
Every time it gets fiercer.
Those people tried not to fight him, stuffy head tube rushed into the yard.
But they were all killed by Hu Wenshu in the array.
early morning
A hill just a hundred miles away from Pengcheng.
Jiang Yu yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes at Ling Tian.
"Master, are those people still following us?"
"You left long ago, otherwise you could sleep so soundly?"
Ling day gave her a supercilious look.
Ginger slightly face hot embarrassed way
"My body is not good, you are not ignorant …"
"Now that we have had enough rest, let’s continue on our way. Let’s just leave the carriage here and we’ll walk."
"… walking?"
Jiang language face some movement.
It’s not that she is lazy, it’s that her body doesn’t allow it.
Ling day caught a glimpse of her way
"Don’t worry, it’s not far."
"It’s only a short walk."
Half a day is not far away?
Master, do you have any misunderstanding about this word?
Jiang Yu really wants to say whether she can not go, but she also knows that Ling Tian must be in such a hurry.
So I swallowed my words back.
After breakfast, they set off directly.
Half a day’s journey is nothing even for ordinary people.
But Jiang Yu’s body is so weak that he can’t hold on to it without a small part.

Liu Yantao’s movement was quickly detected by Cui Tingxun. He quickly ordered the army to prepare for the attack, but it took a while to know that this was a part of the Chu army, and the main force of the Chu army was still recovering inside and outside 1 O.

Cui Tingxun isn’t stupid, but it’s obvious that the Chu army can’t see a rabbit without spreading an eagle. They are waiting for their cavalry. If the Jin army is too weak, surely the Chu army wouldn’t be so calm. But do you really have a way to deal with my cavalry? Cui Tingxun smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth and ordered, "Pay attention to the main force of the Chu army!"
Not long after Liu Yantao left, Ma Yun led the remaining 3oooo troops to move slowly in the direction of Ni Kefu’s army. Just after walking for a mile, he heard the sound of the horseshoe coming from the east and turned his head to look at the dusty wasteland in the east. Ma Jun rushed over and waved the black Qidan banner and a huge "Cui" banner.
Ma Yun and Li Xiang couldn’t help but look at each other and have some respect for this Cui Tingxun. This man was not confused by the Chu army’s short radius attack plan, and insisted that Qingshan did not relax and directly handsome the army to pounce on the main force of Chu army.
Ma Yun waved his hand, "Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Shout, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
As the distance approached the bow and arrow, the Khitan became a striker. The arrow was so skillful that it was extremely destructive to the Chu army. The central part of the Chu army slowly retreated backward. It was a square town. As the Chu army gradually retreated, its two legs gradually evolved into a crescent shape. After all, it was faster than four legs. The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer. The Khitan soon rushed into the Chu army. After the Chu army came in, seven people did not panic. Two or three people combined together with shields to deal with the cavalry sprint and trample. Two people held horse-cutting knives and two people specially cut off the horse’s legs
Cui Tingxun looked at Chu army’s retreat, and he was so happy that he didn’t feel strange and uncomfortable until he rushed into Chu army. Chu army and Jin army were different. Jin army fought against Qidan people, many infantry, used cannon fodder to consume Qidan’s physical strength, and finally collected cavalry to charge on both sides. Cui Tingxun, who had no cavalry in Chu army, rushed in with confidence and interest.
However, it was only after rushing in that the Chu army collapsed in four words, which seemed to be scattered by the Khitan soldiers. However, this Chu army was composed of seven people, who were fighting with the Khitan military forces. At the most time, it was difficult for these people to take care of both sides. As the Khitan military forces rushed deeper and deeper, the seven people of the Chu army combined with the strange formation power and gradually waved out. The cavalry stopped the pike and couldn’t stop the horse leg, but it was cut back, but there was an extra hole.
Seeing that there are more and more injured Khitan soldiers, Cui Tingxun had to shout "Retreat quickly", but he regretted that he had seen too much about the military strength of Wei Sheng, our time, and he didn’t even ask Chu Jun for details. Now look at this formation of Chu Jun, which is ready.
Mobile phone seal
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Chapter 14 Soldiers surround Nanyang
Update and read quickly!
In Xinye, Li Xiang’s attack plan didn’t confuse Cui Tingxun, but it gave Cui Tingxun the illusion that the Chu army was quite afraid of cavalry. ? ? ? ? This elite infantry can defeat the general infantry with less, but it is a completely different concept to let this elite infantry fight against the cavalry. Cui Tingxun has been a cavalry for a long time, and he knows how to maximize the cavalry advantage and completely defeat the infantry.
It is precisely because he has been through many battles that although the Chu army is elite, he did not take it to heart. Instead of attacking the Liu Yantao department, he attacked the main force of the Chu army.
Usually, as he makes a moment, ten thousand horses rush to raise bursts of yellow sand to cover half a day; Ma Dada is stirring back and forth in the wilderness, which not only shakes the four directions, but even the whole earth seems to tremble. I have never seen a large number of Ma Jun infantry. When I see this battle, I will be scared and shake my will.
Then there is the volley of ten thousand arrows. The Khitans are proficient in bowing and archery while keeping the horses running fast. Even if these arrows are released, the aim of the bow and arrow is reduced a lot, but in the case of secret casting, it is necessary to aim carefully. If someone is shot by an arrow and someone screams, the enemy’s battle will collapse
Then, fierce and fearless, he rushed into the enemy line and waved his whip and horse to trample on his opponent, relying on his high superiority and commanding pike to sprint back and forth to assassinate the enemy. The enemy completely lost the courage to fight cavalry, and he had to rush into the enemy line and kill it several times, so the elite infantry could not support it for long.
After all, he can’t find a war correspondent to interview the first-line officers and soldiers of the Chu army, but he knows from experience that the Chu army should be a little scared. By the time of the second volley, the Chu army had retreated. He thought it was the disintegration of the Chu army’s morale, and then he did not hesitate to command the army to rush into the Chu army formation. No wonder some Chu troops didn’t retreat when they first came in? Because it’s too thick to wear armor. Where are those people wearing armor except for the local body? It’s a bit scary to be alone after a group of three or five. This guy is not afraid of sprinting and riding. Cui Tingxun once personally knocked over a horse and stepped on it. As a result, looking back, the guy patted his ass and actually got up again. Is this a heavy infantry?
With these people going to the front, like a pier, the Khitan soldiers diverged along the pier. Only after Cui Tingxun really rushed to the Chu army did it become difficult to gather a team of 100 people. Although the cavalry came and went like the wind, the Chu army was no longer a tin man, but its superior forces were gone. It was either a long spear to stab the cavalry body or a short knife to cut the horse’s legs. The other strange array greatly waved the infantry forces and the advantages of the arms. The combination of long-weapon spearmen and short-weapon ju soldiers was so powerful.
Cui Tingxun is still experienced. Seeing that things are not right, he decided to "retreat".
It’s easy to come in and go out, but it’s difficult for Cui Tingxun to attack with people, just like the rising tide, screaming and patting the reef on the shore like a rainbow, stirring up thousands of waves, but when it’s time to retreat, it seems that the ebb tide can continue to move forward, and the trickle can pass through the cracks in the reef, and Cui Tingxun will fight to the death, and the call response will finally form a team of more than five or six thousand people rushing out of the Chu army formation.
Before he could catch his breath and calm down, a shower of arrows came from both sides. Cui Tingxun suddenly woke up. Just now, the retreat of the Chu army was not irresistible, but the Chinese army was deliberately recessed backwards. The two wings were highlighted in a crescent shape. When the Qidan army broke through, all the arrows made a final blow to the Qidan people. Cui Tingxun did not mean that he had the means to deal with it. At this time, the Qidan soldiers fled with one heart and one mind, and the fighting spirit was defeated. The situation has already formed his army. The ability to control has become extremely weak. When the troops fled to Dengzhou in a hurry, they met Cui Tingxun, who was preparing for the celebration banquet. They said a general situation, and it was a long time before he woke up and asked, "General Cui, is this so good?"
Cui Tingxun said uneasily, "The Weisheng Army and our main force are in Dengzhou, and we will stick to Dengzhou. If the Chu army once divides its troops and takes Nanyang, Xiangcheng, Township and other places, it will be a matter of course to hit me." Cui Tingxun wanted to say that beating the dog was temporarily changed to hitting me after playing for a long time.
I didn’t pay attention to him because I was nervous to death. This statement is asking, "Then let’s surrender to Nanyang."
Cui Tingxun had long thought so in his heart, but the Khitan military law severely lost its defensive position to cut him. He hesitated and said, "What about this one thousand positions?" I’m afraid we can’t afford to eat! "
Tuci shook his head and said, "This will not hinder us from staying in the Central Plains for a long time. When I was in Bianjing, we often missed the situation in the North. I heard that there are people rebelling in Xiangzhou and officials from Chengzhou (Chengxian County, Shaanxi Province), Fengzhou (Huixian County, Shaanxi Province), Qin Zhou (Baoji, Shaanxi Province) and Jizhou have taken refuge in Shu State again. We should not be interested in governing the Central Plains. Let’s surrender to Nanyang first. If we really return to the North, we have to follow suit. Moreover,
The two men were immediately surrendered to Nanyang with the money they had searched for. When they arrived in Nanyang, they learned that Gao Hanggui had been killed in Xinye, so they quickly reported the war in Dengzhou to Yelvdeguang.
The Xinye War captured more than 20,000 Jin soldiers, and Ni Kefu and Liu Yantao lost 2ooo men together, which can be described as a great victory. However, although Ma Yun’s main force competed with the Khitan army, although he captured more than 4,000 Khitan men, he actually lost nearly 6ooo men. This can’t help but make Ma Yun feel very sad. This formation was completed when Ma Yun was directly pregnant and guided by the staff department and was specifically planned and trained for half a year. I didn’t expect that the loss was still so heavy.
The only thing to be happy about is that the Khitan army was scared away to Nanyang by the Chu army. When Ma Yun led his troops to Dengzhou the next day, he sent troops to Xibeimen Township and called all the generals to discuss matters one step at a time. So far, this military operation has been too smooth. In the past, the plan was to take Xiangzhou, Suizhou, Fuzhou and Anzhou, but now he actually took most of Fangzhou, Junzhou, Xiangzhou and Dengzhou, and Qidan fled to the north with 20,000 troops of Zhu Yuan and Ding Sijin from Suizhou, Fuzhou and Anzhou.
Now the question before Ma Yun is whether to continue northward. Or just stop in Dengzhou
Liu Yantao is the oldest, and his actions in the past half a month have also made him most excited. He came out and said, "Your Majesty, the situation in the Northern Expedition is excellent. At this time, we can’t stop marching. We should March and then March into Bianjing to drive out the Qidan."
"Yes, yes, continue to invade." The generals in the handsome account said in succession.
I don’t know what’s going on in Liu Zhiyuan. If you want to take this opportunity to unify the north, it’s absolutely not enough. Ma Yun turned his attention to Li Xiang. Li Xiang laughed. "As the king says, how can you stop taking Nanyang when he is ill and wants his life?" However, your majesty, if our army moves to Nanyang, there will be a Shida army in the west with 5,000 troops guarding Junzhou, and there will be no Qidan army in Dengzhou on the west, but there will be Tangzhou on the east, and the commander of Tangzhou has just been convicted and reprimanded for the Horse Festival. This person is quite famous, and the Qidan people will lose their demeanor. Will Yelvdeguang send someone to recapture it? After all, Dengzhou is an important town in Shannan, and it has always been a battleground for military strategists. If reinforcements arrive, our army will fight in Nanyang City and the Tangzhou Horse Festival will suddenly copy our army’s posterior road, which will have to be prevented. "
Ma Yun looked at the map, and the situation showed that his troops were only 40,000. Even with the 20,000 surrendered Jin soldiers, it was only 60,000. If the Khitan really had reinforcements to contain his army in Nanyang, would Ma Jie send troops to attack Dengzhou and cut his own back?