Plus …

Looking at the column of gender female made me lost in thought.
Soon, as the truth emperor spoke in a crooked way, almost everyone found out this fact. They wanted to kick this person out of the gang while their sister didn’t pay attention, but there was no limit.
The fight for soy sauce is over, and the people just stand in the Woods, no matter whether they will be exposed to playing the lark for nine days or not.
People have come here, but they haven’t come to investigate who agreed to let this little mushroom join the gang to play soy sauce. They have been desperately urging to remove it quickly.
"I brought it."
Muyun idle light said that the tone was tepid and there was nothing wrong with it.
The soy sauce makers were stunned when they finished.
Beique Liu Xiao and Qing Wan Li didn’t speak because they knew best what the little mushroom had done to hooves.
And now you promise to protect hooves and accompany hooves and hooves to do this? Drag such a person who has hurt his hoof into this gang.
They have not recovered until now.
[21. Chapter two hundred and twenty Everyone firmly]
"I don’t think it’s necessary for me to pull a person into the gang." Listening to all kinds of venting noises in my ear, Mu Yun was idle and waiting for everyone to stop, lightly added.
The people who had stopped to make soy sauce were almost in a mess when they heard this.
This man, is he still the one who stopped them and was very firm and tough, showing his attitude towards hooves?
What, they have always thought that they are indifferent to sex, but now they are so elusive. Have they never understood him?
After nine days, I was very embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. After all, it was he who gave Muyun leisure to the deputy gang, and it was he who made Muyun leisure get the corresponding limit. It was also he who was supposed to pull friends into the gang. This is a good thing to add popularity in the general gang, and the other party is a younger sister, which can be welcomed by everyone.
But this gang of theirs …
After nine days, their faces were a little sad. Before this gang was a bit special, they couldn’t recruit girls. After all, the gang was a group of people who made two jokes from time to time. Even if a girl joined the gang, she immediately retired in one day. Later, seven crows pulled her hoof in. A new girl didn’t know anything about it. She was indifferent to some strange actions of soy sauce, but it was normal. Slowly, her hoof stayed. Everyone got along very well. Soy sauce people didn’t know when it became a "crazy sister control" and she couldn’t recruit girls until now
He’s a Wang, but unlike other Wang, he doesn’t care about recruiting many girls to attract a popular gang. He thinks it’s really good. A girl with hooves in the gang can also help you cook food fights from time to time. It’s good to play the piano. After all, although he has no experience, he also knows that women have many places to play soy sauce. This pit is enough for him. He doesn’t want to take part in palace fights.
In this way, the tacit understanding of soy sauce in everyone has developed, and he has gradually taken these as a matter of course and regarded them as immutable soft rules.
Until …
Looking at the name of the new gang member nine days later, I really can’t help but smile. When will my sister become a hot potato for him?
Although he talked to Beique in private, he said that the robbery in Luoyang was not very clear, but this sister sometimes passed by but he often saw it.
Brave and handsome
Different from the stupid hoof and the incurable hand disability
This is his impression of this little mushroom in the fight.
But it was also in my heart that I secretly praised it for a moment, but it really made him remember that this little mushroom often hangs out with Muyun, which made him a little worried.
At this time, when Muyun talked about "What’s wrong with pulling a person", he really couldn’t say anything. A friend who had a good time pulled into the gang and couldn’t add anything. Muyun’s leisure is also an old friend in the gang. If it is only because of his concern, it really doesn’t matter. After all, it is normal for a Han to make friends with some younger sisters. Strictly speaking, it is somewhat unreasonable.
"oh! Alas! " Nine days later, he stepped in to interrupt a new round of quarrels among soy sauce makers.
"This is nothing, isn’t it! Cloud idle just pulled a person! Everyone still plays! " Acting as a peacemaker for nine days, I feel that my face is almost stretched. "Yunxian, you know that these pit goods like to toss something every day, and now they are also playing with you!"
"Well," I accepted the idea of walking around in front of my face.
"Hey, master!" Fudge smiled unceremoniously and said, "Do you know that when a person lies, the decibel will be much higher than usual?"
"Ah?" Some didn’t react after nine days.
"The fact is that Wang’s voice was a little high just now, which may be due to his guilty conscience. After all, Wang also recognizes our roots, which is not noisy." Tell me the truth, the Emperor added, when he tells the truth, he is always active.
"ah! Did you just make trouble again! " I don’t know if I really found the problem or deliberately changed the subject nine days later. "How come two gangs suddenly joined us to help the enemy! Where the hell are you now! What are you doing! "
"Suzhou! You’re messing around there again! Hurry! Who is the head of the team? Let me join the group! " There is a sinister hope that "someone" can see the rude orders from the soy sauce makers nine days after they left without saying anything on purpose but kept sending messages on the gang channel.
I was reluctant to let the fudge go. After nine days, I joined the team and gave the head of the team a direct job for nine days. I made up my mind to fight to the end.
soon afterwards
Wan Li entered one by one.
In the end, it’s MuYun leisure and … Little mushrooms.
Originally, I was angry at the hostile fight, and I was very brave in soy sauce. At this time, it was like being pressed the pause button again, and I looked at the two people in front of me.
Actually … Actually, there are still local tyrants Xiu En * * riding together.
This is putting their sister on the ground!
If the team leader hadn’t handed it in long ago, the red-eyed fudge would definitely guarantee that the first thing he did was to kick Mu Yunxian out of the team at once and then all the people would kill him!
"Well, I heard a little that the gang was fighting and killing, so she asked to come over." Muyun said in an idle way, I don’t know whether to explain or state a fact.
At this time, the soy sauce makers really stopped all their movements, even if they made a tentative attack on the enemy, they didn’t strike back, and their hearts were long gone.
Originally, they were cheerful and determined to trick their younger sister into a "saving the hero" scene, but at the moment, they hoped that their younger sister would never come to see this scene. I didn’t know when the chat box was closed, and everyone stood like a stone carving.
Beique looked at hoof and hoof and sent a message asking what happened to the gang at this time. Some people were at a loss.
Now this situation shows that Hoohoo hasn’t chatted with the gang information to check the new gang members, so it would be bad to let Hoohoo come at this time.
The gang channel is full of dissatisfaction and serious protests. These are really controlled by other methods.
If Mu Yun’s attitude is firm, the soy sauce makers are also firm. They have no frolic elements in it.
At least he is also an executive. Even if he is lazy in management, he should know something.

While speaking, three people have already flown to the vicinity of Gangfeng-intensive areas. Going up again is the Jiutian Gangfeng layer. I saw Song Changgeng standing in Gangfeng-intensive areas. Command those Zi Long. See three people fly in. Just a nod. Didn’t say anything. Yang Jin saw that there was a mirror of heaven in the back of his head and his face was ruddy. I knew he wasn’t invaded by poisonous smoke and fire. Heaven mirror’ science to defense she still know.

See Song Changgeng is focusing on the law. They didn’t bother. It will take a while for Song Changgeng to finish it. After everyone saw the ceremony. Xuanzhenzi also abandoned any filth. Put things first now. Will the following situation said. Song Changgeng nodded his head. After a moment’s reflection, he said, "It’s basically settled. If we have nothing to do with the people who restrict the poisonous smoke. There was basically nothing in the early stage.
Now you should go and choose one side. Began to prepare to restrain the fall of the ash. At the same time, take precautions. In case someone comes to make trouble, it will be in trouble. We can’t spare any time. If something really happens, all previous efforts will be wasted. I’m fine here. You’d better go to someone else to help. Want to push over time
There are more people coming. The manpower will be sufficient. At that time, I was letting people. "
Yang Jin and others nodded, knowing that it was not good to disturb him here, and they all flew down again. After they passed Fentuo, Bridled Eyebrows, Blissful, and Yi Zhou, they told the above situation, and everyone was relieved. After they fell behind, they found a wonderful real person, just expelling the wonderful lady and Youtan Shenni, and at the same time, Master Zhifei of Kunlun also arrived with people.
You just know, after optimal haze they drive out, starting from the copper coconut island, the size of the creatures within four or five thousand miles of Fiona Fang, together to the sea, including the goddess baby Yi Jing was arrogant, and banned by the five elements, thinking that this move would be greatly displayed, but it took a lot of spirit to use the five elements to move the big handling method.
However, the forbidden law is a little fierce, and it can’t be all in line with the nature of things. Half of them do it, and half of them are lured. Unexpectedly, many aquarium people who have been psychic for many years have been hurt. As a result, she realized that her skill is still poor. Some things can’t be forced to get rid of their usual arrogant thoughts, and it took a day and night to get rid of them. Because of the large amount of things, it took a lot of time to save them.
Yang Jin wanted to let people go up to help Song Chang Gung, because he was responsible for the largest area, but Miao Yi, a real person, evaded the past, saying that there were not enough people, and when there were enough people, he didn’t mention it at all. Although everyone was very hard, the longer the time went, the more people came, and everyone took turns to exchange places, using the Taoist teachings of Xian and Shi, respectively, to restrain the poisonous smoke from spraying too hard.
But no one changed Song Changgeng. He supported it by himself. Originally, he thought someone would come to help, but no one waited for a long time. His 80-dragon has reached the limit. After all, the long-term absorption and transformation of the poisonous fire of Feiyi has done great harm to Zi Long, that is, he did not listen to the life force in Qinglong and Jiu Ning Ding, but he still could not stop Zi Long’s body from being damaged.
Seeing that no one came to change himself, Song Chang-geng estimated that they did it on purpose. He was also a stubborn guy. Seeing that no one paid attention to himself, he decided to solve it himself. At the same time, he worked hard to let eighty-one Zi Long start to condense the essence, split the dragon fetus, and put it in a nine-setting tripod. Then he ignored the harm to Zi Long’s body and tried desperately to keep them from letting poisonous smoke escape too much.
Then, three days later, the poisonous smoke from the fire was too hot, which became a spent force, and Song Chang-geng’s eighty-one Zi Long was also a spent force, which was about to collapse at any time. We were relieved to see that a wonderful real person was about to be accomplished, and before sunrise tomorrow morning, the robbery of ash would have to drop.
At this time, it is already late at night, and the poisoned fire has been sprayed, leaving only a trace of smoke, which has been swaying for a while and has been sprayed out. Everyone looks at the waning moon in the distance.
Because all the fish-borne creatures in the sea have migrated, the sea is still, leaving only the waves hitting the coast, breathing and sobbing, looking up at the sky, Yi Zhou and others are above Chihiro, and there is no sign of them. The poisonous smoke and fire are flying straight up, and the sound of the wind and thunder is gradually quiet, which makes the night scene particularly lonely, which is different from the fierce evil situation a few days ago.
Everyone congratulated them and celebrated their success together. After waiting for the twilight of the East, they started to act. In a short time, the stars began to shine, and the dawn gradually appeared in the East. After a little discussion, they decided to let Master You Tan help restrain the ground. Others still arranged layers on the periphery of the pillar of poisonous smoke and fire as expected to restrain the whereabouts of the ash.
After everyone discussed it, they all went to their own actions. Miao Yi, a real person, did as expected. With a wave of his hand, everyone else began to fly up and down, telling people who were constrained everywhere to strengthen the spell. First, the large light tube in the deep well on the ground began to strengthen and expand a circle, and the whole copper and coconut island were circled in, and even the distance of hundreds of miles was given up.
Yang Jinhe, a wonderful lady, Master Jade Qing, and Ling Zi are in charge of the top floor. The four of them flew up in a vertical way. By the way, they told Song Changgeng that they had just flown nearby, and they saw Song Changgeng sitting in an exquisite jade pavilion with more than one white cloud under them, which was very carefree, but Ling Zi and others could not help but be shocked when they saw these purple dragons.
Yang Jin flew to his side with a smile, and when he saw his eyes looking at those Zi Long sadly, he couldn’t help laughing: "Song Daoyou, now the poisonous smoke and fire have been sprayed, and after the ash robbery falls, we will have achieved success. I am waiting for four people to come up to replace you to restrain the ash robbery. Please put away Zi Long, who has been tired for three days. Go and have a rest."
Song Changgeng nodded and said, "Yes, it’s finally over. Hehe, although it’s a merit, I’m not happy. First, I was calculated by a wild old man, and then I was chased by a giant wooden god. In order to get away, I led this big robbery. Finally, there was no big trouble. I passed this robbery safely, and the rest is up to you."

The fifty-fifth volume Busy Chapter five hundred and forty-two Get even with the robbery
Don’t stand up, but also don’t look at four people, still sitting there, Mrs Day can’t help but be a little annoyed with his big, just see Song Chang-geng finally took a sad look at those Zi Long, a wave of his hand, the exquisite jade pavilion floated away leisurely, four people look at Song Chang-geng who flew away, and then at dozens of Zi Long who still stayed in the air, which can’t help wondering.
Just when they were strange, the wonderful lady and others listened to the strange sounds in the Gangfeng layer for nine days, just like countless heavenly drums were ringing in the sky, and it seemed that there were thousands of magic soldiers, armored horses and horses, and they were killed from the sky, which was a thunder storm, and the momentum was not so fierce. They immediately knew that the ash robbery had begun to fall, and immediately, regardless of other things, they had to unite to form a big aperture. Of course, those Zi Long were all in the circle.
Wonderful lady can’t help secretly pleased, thinking that Song Changgeng may have been poisoned by smoke and fire, and her head is not awake. She didn’t even know how to collect these treasures, which just ruined it. Although Yang Jin and Yu Qing wanted to call Song Changgeng back, they were all duty bound. Song Changgeng had already flown away, and they didn’t have time to say hello. They all had to deal with it here.
Passing 18-wheeler, in such a blink of an eye, the four of them rushed to fly away. When they got to their own positions, they made moves together, and when they were dazzling, hundreds of golden rays flew out, and then they were intertwined with each other, forming a large aperture, and then they immediately became bright, reflecting up and down in all directions into gold. The training-like golden rays and lightning seemed to move slightly in the air, which was to unite with each other.
Then form a large light tube with a length of more than 100 feet, then four people continue to fall, and then do this to form a light tube, and then fall. In this way, each layer is separated by hundreds of feet, and four layers are laid in total, which is more than a thousand feet long, just like a round Changhong with four classics, standing in the air, and four people are responsible for a light fist. At this time, the strange sound in the air is getting closer and closer, and countless Mars are looming.
These Mars gathered together, as big as a mountain, and the waterfall seemed to pour down on the sea. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer, the four of them drank together: "Disease!" Each of them gave a great golden light and flew forward from their hands. The four light tubes immediately rotated, and those sparks in the air were too hot and poisonous, and the ashes left after being destroyed by Gangfeng.
After falling, they were forbidden to eat their way, and were forced to synthesize a huge ash waterfall, which poured down from the sky. The ash and sand rubbed against each other and produced boundless Mars. From top to bottom, it was like a volcano falling, and with a different roar, it was earth-shattering. Yang Jin and Yu Qing were worried about those Zi Long, and they saw that they robbed the ash and rushed, and Zi Long collapsed like a pile of ash.
Then they fell down with those robbing ashes, and they couldn’t tell who was robbing ashes and who was Zi Long’s materialized ashes. The four people formed a diaphragm cylinder to squeeze the robbing ashes into one, and the falling potential became more and more fierce, and it poured down from the golden light. There were many Taoist and celestial diaphragm cylinders tied by everyone along the way, and they wanted to fall all the way to the sea.
Once the robbery was restrained, all that was left was to keep the aperture and wait for it to fall. At this time, Yang Jin realized why Song Chang-geng looked at those Zi Long sadly just now, apparently because no one came to replace him. As a result, he didn’t do his best. These dragons had been eroded by poisonous smoke and fire, and she couldn’t help but start to resent Miao Yi’s reality regardless of the overall situation.
But she just turned around, and now she has to cope with the eyes, and her ears only hear the sound of rumbling, golden light shining, rosy clouds rising across the sky, and a pillar of flaming fire is connected to it, which has become an eternal wonder. For about a moment, one end of the ash waterfall of Huohe River has not moved in the sky, and one end has fallen for two or three hundred miles, gradually drooping, and then it is divided into eight shares in the air for half a day.
The ash robbery flows down the river from eight aperture cylinders. Into the sea. The sea roared at once. At that time, the waves were like mountains. Go straight to the sky. Grab ash clots in the size of dozens of feet. Hit each other. Sound like thunder.
Song Changgeng didn’t go far either. Just watch from a distance. By the way, to restore physical fatigue. Do it in three days. Although he can freely absorb the vitality of heaven and earth. But physically and mentally, I am still very tired. Now things are over. I finally didn’t go on a business trip. He played with nine little Zi Long in his hand. While watching the spectacular fire river ash waterfall rushing.
This small Zi Long is nine of the 81 Zi Long-separated earthworm embryo hatcheries. A total of 252 dragon fetuses. Because he extracted too much power in the nine-setting tripod. It is not enough to hatch completely. Just hatched nine. But also a larva. But these little guys grow up quickly. Song Changgeng estimates that it won’t be long before he can give birth to a complete body.
Sitting in the air. Watching the ash waterfall of the fire river fall. Constrained by the aperture in a fixed range of the sea surface. The ash robbery in the air is still raging downward. Gradually pour into the sea. Wherever you go. The sea is boiling. And then began to pile up gradually. One by one. According to the southeast and northwest. Northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, eight directions. The potential child is very strong.

This year, he grabbed the second piece of Haitian, and it was so complete that there was not even a plant missing!

Look at that neat Haitian Tong Hangjian with a faint golden light, I already feel suffocated. I think this piece of Haitian was the real pain in his heart in those days, because he grabbed a few handfuls and maybe it was less than 1% of the whole piece of Haitian!
Now this sea field appears intact in front of his eyes, which is more lush than it was in the past.
"Ah …"
Tong Hangjian breathed a sigh of relief excitedly and murmured, "Is there really one looking at ZTE’s demise of Xuanyuan Emperor?"
After a while, Tong Hangjian flew again and flew away on the way through the suspected pieces of Haitian.
Soon he confirmed that it was not a suspect but a real one!
He passed through this road in those days, but he didn’t stop because the situation was much more urgent than now.
The middle-level Haitian Tong Hang Jian didn’t even finish reading one percent, so he had to stop again.
He flew to a higher place and looked at the magnificent sea temple in the middle of it.
I think he didn’t see the sea temple in those days …
The floor is really important for the Sea Temple, where he has never set foot.
Tong Hangjian finally rushed towards the sea temple floor. He saw the hall and the old turtle, but like Xiao Wen and others, he was also a statue …
So he didn’t fly in, but stopped directly in the sea field
Tong Hangjian’s old heart hasn’t been pounding for a long time, and this moment is finally jumping uncontrollably, just like when he was young, he was rejuvenated again.
If the outer sea field of the Sea Temple excites him, the middle sea field excites him, then the sea field excites him and he almost fainted.
It is almost the realm of Asian gods!
Almost half of them are faintly higher than the realm of Asian gods!
These roots are not celestial materials, but come from a world older than the celestial world!
Maybe these materials can push the level of supernatural power in the celestial world forward by half or a grade after they are well delivered …
Looking at it, it’s almost complete. This terraced sea field!
Even if it occupies a world of resources, the God League will definitely be happy and crazy after getting these!
This Xiao Wen is too fate!
It seems that he also said "luck". How many of the immortals have such luck?
He’s the only one who asks!
Then Tong Hangjian realized a problem. Never let anyone who is a little unreliable know that Xiao Wen owns the Sea Temple!
Once the news leaked out, Xiao Wen might attract Xuanyuan Huang people to kill him!
Be sure to keep this secret to death!
Tong Hangjian has seriously considered the secrecy law in Haitian.
Then Guanghua flashed in his eyes. He turned to look and saw Xiao Wen and Nan Yunqing coming to him together.
"Can anyone else know about this sea temple?" TongHangJian did not even say hello directly asked quickly.
"How many people know about Yuan Dao’s celestial falling into Xinghai?" Nan Yunqing knew what Tong Hangjian was worried about calmly. "In the falling into Xinghai, the news should not be leaked, so we can hide it for a while, but if we want to continue to increase the strength of the resources in Lihai Temple, the real situation will eventually be inferred by the people of Jieshen Alliance."
Tong Hang’s brief face, Se, is slightly changed at this time, which is also the case. Even if he wants more real characters, those old rivals will definitely doubt it, and if there are more people on their side, it will attract the attention of the world gods, and then compare it with the situation of Yuan Dao’s celestial world, and the answer will be called out.
It really can’t be kept secret all the time.
"This plan is to secretly raise our overall strength without sending it first, and then even if we are guessed, we will not be afraid of the resources in the sea temple." Tong Hangjian quickly made a decision
"Well, just like that" Nan Yunqing nods.
Then Tong Hang wandered around the middle sea field simply and seriously. Since it is decided to benefit the resources here, it is naturally better to have a spectrum in my heart early.
His old heart has been as calm as possible in front of Nan Yunqing and Xiao Wen, but he has been shocked again and again.
There is no doubt that they will meet beyond the world alliance in terms of high-level materials!
Seeing Tong Hangjian looking after Haitian for a long time, Nan Yunqing woke up and said, "There are still many palaces in the middle that have not been opened yet, and we can go and find out together."
TongHang Jane a reaction to come over and look at the middle direction laughed "indeed! I remember that the outer wall of a main hall has fallen down, but it happened that the ban on the outside was so strong that everyone could look at the temple’s treasures without moving their hands. "
At this time, Xiao asked and sighed, "It’s a pity that I can control the big bans here and the small bans in the temples. I can’t control it either."
Tong Hangjian laughed. "I’m afraid they will deal with them slowly when they fail to run away. Xiao Daoyou, there are quite a few geeks here who are best at dealing with strange bans."
"Well, that’s good. If you don’t act with us, why don’t you pick some materials here now?" Xiao asked suddenly.
Tong Hangjian thought for a moment, "I really shouldn’t act with you now. Well, I’m welcome."
It turns out that Tong Hangjian’s external identity is not Nan Yunqing’s gang, but he maintains a semi-neutral identity, which dislikes both the God League and Nan Yunqing and others. Although this identity makes him enjoy the resources of the God League, it is more convenient to get news. Otherwise, Nan Yunqing could not have come to him the second time. Although Nan Yunqing left for two hundred years, it is really nothing for an Asian god who has lived for more than 10,000 years.
Tong Hangjian picked Fu Cai Xiao Wen and Nan Yunqing were not idle, but went to Hainong.
So soon after two days, Xiao Wen and Nan Yunqing finally said goodbye to each other.
Until they disappeared from the horizon, Tong Hangjian still had a dream feeling. He really didn’t expect them to turn over soon!
Then Nan Yunqing and Xiao asked to visit Ri too fast one by one.
Their group is really a very special group, and even now it has no name or elected leader.

Yi Yu heard and pondered for a moment and said with a smile, "Oh? Is there such a funny thing? Who proposed it? Master agreed? "

Yuchen nodded and said, "I don’t know who put it forward first, but Emei is obviously prepared." Many disciples came here this time. I heard that it is still those elites who believe that it is not a problem to deal with sword fighting. "
Yi Yu seemed to be interested and asked, "Who is here in Emei?"
Yu Chen counted them carefully: "Men are Zhuge Jing, the great disciple of the Three Immortals in the East China Sea, laughing monk, and a son named Shen Tu Hong Bai Xia Sun Nan and Emei Zhang Jiao Qi Jinchan. As for the female disciples, Li Qiongying and Zixin, the disciples of the first lady, are wonderful, and a pair of sisters, Qin Ziling and Qin Hancalyx, have excellent listening and speaking skills. "
Just as Yuchen was talking to Yi Yu, a Taoist boy came in from outside Luoying clause and said, "Brother Yi Yu! Please go when you are summoned by Master Zhang! "
Yi Yu dared not delay to set up a sword light and go straight to Sanqing Hall of Golden Whip Cliff. Yi Yu went to Sanqing Hall to have a look! There are so many people! On the theme, naturally, Zhu Mei, the dwarf of Qingcheng Mountain, laid hands on him, and all the elders and younger brothers sat quietly on the futon, all solemn and not angry. Behind them, however, stood the rules of a group of disciples who took Gideon as their leader. No one dares to expect anything.
Above the guest seat, naturally, there are two immortals in the East China Sea, Xuanzhenzi and the ascetic Buddhist monk, who are well separated. But I saw Xuanzhenzi’s face as white as jade, fine eyebrows, fine eyes, eagle nose, lion’s lips and five temples sprinkled on the front of his heart, sharp and imposing as a sword. However, although the Xuanzhenzi’s cold light is full of momentum, there is an atmosphere that blends in with heaven and earth, which makes life unbearable. Although the ascetic Buddhist monk is called asceticism, he has not seen a trace of asceticism. A gorgeous robe in Phnom Penh, bright robes with gold thread on the red background, big eyes, wide mouth and long ears, laughing before saying anything, actually means smiling at Maitreya. It’s just that Yi Yu feels that there is a fierce fighting spirit that is hard to hide in this singing smile, but I don’t know how this Buddhist monk cultivates that peaceful Buddhist state of mind.
Below them are a group of Emei disciples, Jing Li. Most beautiful female disciple Yi Yu knows each other and has a close relationship. It’s just that the two people around the angry smiling monk have never seen each other. It must be that Zhuge warned me and Shen Tuhong. The smiling monk is an extraordinary figure who is eight feet long and clean as jade, and his facial features are exquisite. Temperament is distant, peaceful and indifferent, and the heart is like a distant mountain. The rules of wearing a blue cassock are not meticulous. It’s just that Zhuge Jing’s eyes turned out to be full of fighting spirit when I looked at the more indifferent Gideon across the street.
And the rest is Shen Tuhong. It’s just that this person looks worse than other Emei disciples, and he can only be called a correct person among these handsome men and beautiful women. It’s just that his peaceful and broad-minded temperament is self-evident. It’s far from being restrained and calm, and that grumpy laughing monk is far away! It seems that he is not a good person to deal with.
Although Yi Yu came late, he was not afraid to go straight into the hall and kneel down in the tunnel: "Master Zun studied Yong Cheng’s life is boundless!"
When Zhu Mei saw Yi Yu, he beamed and waved, "Get up. I don’t know where you’ve been all day and there’s no one there." Come and meet uncle Xuanzhen and uncle ascetic in Emei. "
Yi Yu dare not neglect to salute and greet quickly. That Xuanzhenzi nodded and smiled: "Hehe, Zhu Daoyou, you are a great little apprentice! I have heard a lot about him when I returned to Ningcui Cliff this time! " It’s really polite. It’s just that the ascetic Buddhist monk looked up and down a few times when he saw Yi Yu’s face was not healed, but he should not give Yi Yu a gift. I want to think that his disciple, the laughing monk, has suffered a loss. How can this master not know? Nature does not give Yi Yu any good looks, but it is a little narrow-minded. Let’s see how Yi Yu deals with his dilemma in the face of the long-established Three Immortals in the East China Sea. Is it clever to deal with it tactfully or wait for the master to clear it in silence? Or …

Back to the eighty-sixth calculation of Emei
Yi Yu waited for a long time, but the ascetic Buddhist monk didn’t respond, which obviously drove him there. If others are afraid of the fame of the three immortals in the East China Sea, they will dare not touch and freeze there at a loss. Or some smart people can start talking and fool around. Don’t make things stiff.
However, Yi Yuben is very headstrong and afraid of small things if something happens. He’s not even the one who takes the overall situation into consideration. How can he be wronged like this? When I saw the ascetic Buddhist monk, I shouldn’t wait for him to resign. I didn’t even look at the ascetic Buddhist monk and shook his white robe and looked up. When he left, it turned out to be a cold’ hum’. It was just the brand of the three immortals and parents that blew out! I heard it all. However, Zhu Mei was still beaming and didn’t feel anything wrong with his apprentice’s behavior. Obviously, he wanted to protect the calf. And that Xuanzhenzi has an eyebrow eye down. If you don’t see it, you can’t see what it is. Only the ascetic Buddhist monk, though still smiling, was a little stiff and his eyes were cold and bright.
Yi Yu went to the vacant position under Ji Deng and Tao Jun and stood. Since the last war between Yi Yu and Tao Jun, the position that originally belonged to Qiu Yuan has officially belonged to him. This position also represents Yi Yu’s position as the third person among this generation of Qingcheng disciples. That’s the rule of Qingcheng School. It’s not about seniority but strength. Senior brothers may not have the right to speak and their status may not be high. Only then can we see the status of the disciples in this temple. Yi Yu started with Chen Taizhen, followed by Yu Huang, Luo Lu, Hu Yanxian, Di Bubao and so on. Yang Yong, on the other hand, is in a less conspicuous position after the middle film.
Although it is said that Yu Nanqi, the second princess of Changchun Mountain, is a little higher than Chen Taizhen, and her family’s academic roots are not shallow and her strength is stronger. It’s just that since Qiu Yuan disappeared, she has no intention to compete for prosperity and is a woman, so she automatically retreated to the back to associate with Yang Yingxue and Di Shengnan, all the female disciples. Only recently, a new face has been added to their small room, that is, Yuchen, who has just become an inner disciple. Although Yuchen’s cultivation and qualifications are not good, she is Yi Yu’s person. Even these women, who are relatively slow in politics, understand the significance of this most popular and beloved younger brother. Instead of rejecting Yuchen, a junior school sister, it is extremely harmonious to help the photography department everywhere.
In fact, Yi Yu didn’t mean to offend the ascetic Buddhist monk just now, but look at the old thief’s bald posture and the old story of turning over and laughing at the monk. Even if he didn’t want to offend, he did. And Yi Yu has always been a don. Now that you have offended, come completely. There are always two sides in the world, and it is natural that someone will be happy when the ascetic Buddhist monk is beaten. At this time, the most happy nature is Zhu Mei. Besides, in the future, the ascetic Buddhist monk will make trouble, and Zhu Mei will not be able to withstand Zhu Mei, and Li Jingxiu is afraid of what he will do! The ascetic Buddhist monk was wrong first, and at this time, Zhu Mei did not stop the tunnel. "If you continue to entangle with this hooligan, I am afraid that you will make a fool of yourself." I can only swallow it for a while.
Although there are some discordant voices, Zhu Mei and Xuanzhen are both wily people who are indifferent to each other and flatter each other for a long time. Xuanzhenzi said just now, "I have received a letter from the flying sword of Zhang Jiao, and Brother Qi is also very much in favor of Zhu Daoyou’s proposal. It is said that this sword fight is the grand occasion of Qingcheng for hundreds of years. If we can participate in the grand occasion, it will be the luck of Emei. In this way, according to the policy of Zhu Mei Daoyou, after three days, we will fight for the island with swords. No matter whether you win or lose, you can’t mention it again! "
Zhu Mei smiled and said, "What Taoist friends said is very much to my liking. You and I in Qingcheng Mountain, Emei are connected by the same spirit, and in our early years, we fought together against the evil religion. We shouldn’t have hurt the harmony between the two families for that thing outside. It’s just that the misunderstanding has been born now, but it’s only right to let it go as soon as possible. " The two sides exchanged pleasantries and dispersed separately. It’s just that Yi Yu understood the code word of Purple Heart and went to meet the beauty.
Let’s put down Yi Yu and Zi Xin’s farewell reunion for the time being and say that three days ago.
Xuanzhenzi of the Three Immortals in the East China Sea and a dozen disciples accompanying the ascetic Buddhist monk reached the Golden Whip Cliff of Qingcheng Mountain. Zhu Mei, as the palm teacher of Qingcheng Mountain, can’t neglect the sudden visit of this powerful ally just after the unpleasant things happened in the East China Sea. Open the middle door and greet with the highest etiquette. Of course, the identity and cultivation of the Three Immortals in the East China Sea are also worthy of this complicated etiquette.
The mysterious word, the ascetic Buddhist monk and the Zhu Mei are old friends. It’s just that in the past century, Zhu Mei, as a palm teacher, has been busy with academic affairs, and the chance for them to meet in the East China Sea in seclusion is less. After the three of them cordially reminisced about the past for half a day, Xuanzhenzi first said, "Zhu Daoyou, my younger brother and I came here to apologize to Daoyou."
Zhu Meiwen pretended to be surprised and asked, "Hey! What does Xuanzhen Daoyou say? I am confused! " Zhu Mei said, "Look at the ascetic Buddhist monk. He always knew that this monk was the most irritable. On such occasions, Xuanzhenzi spoke deliberately to tease him, but the ascetic Buddhist monk didn’t look at him at all.
Xuanzhenzi smiled and said, "Ha ha! Disciples of Qianfanqingcheng and Emei have some misunderstandings because of an island in the East China Sea. In the East China Sea, the sword fought for the island, but this sword had no eyes, but it hurt the disciple of Daoyou, Di Bubao. At that time, Daoyou, the cripple of your school, was also there. We also feel that this matter is greatly inappropriate, and this time I will explain it. So as not to cause and effect because of these small things, it will not be worth the loss! What do Taoist friends think? "
When Zhu Mei heard this, he twisted his beard and smiled: "Xuanzhen Taoist is surprised at this! It’s definitely not your fault that my worthless old martial brother came back to tell this story. The so-called genius treasure has virtue, but my apprentice is not good at learning, but he is greedy for the Lingshan Mountain. I learned some lessons, but instead of complaining, I would like to thank my colleagues in Emei. This time, you can only save your life if you meet a fellow Emei … "Zhu Mei took a look at the ascetic Buddhist monk and answered," If you meet any deviant evil, I’m afraid you’ll never get back to this Golden Whip Cliff! "
Xuanzhenzi and ascetic Buddhist monk heard that their faces were frozen, and Zhu Mei alluded to the laughing monk’s interception of Qiu Yuan. But what happened to Qiu Yuan before was really wrong in Emei, and I can’t help but let others say it. Xuanzhenzi said, "Zhu Daoyou, I already have a Langya clause in the East China Sea, and I don’t lack this fairy island. However, your nephew was injured by the fairy island, so … this island was given to your school as a gift. "
Zhu Mei smells a smile. What a shrewd man he is! Only Zhu Mei has ever calculated others, and no one can calculate the short man. Zhu Mei’s little eyes have figured it out. What a poisonous trick Emei has! What a loud abacus Qi Shushi has! Take out the fairy road and use it as incense bait to lure Qingcheng to eat. What would the decent fellow monks in the world think if Qingcheng accepted this delicious food but took something from Emei? To put it mildly, Emei is generous and does not bully fellow travelers. To put it bluntly is to slap a bone and chew it! Severely hit the reputation of Qingcheng Mountain. If Qingcheng Mountain doesn’t accept it, Emei will not only lose nothing, but also show the magnanimity of the overlord in this world, and will not oppress others by force.
Xuanzhenzi saw that Zhu Mei hesitated and didn’t want him to think much. He urged, "I don’t know what Zhu You thinks?"
Zhu Mei said with a smile, "Qi Zhangjiao and two Taoist friends are just being original. It’s just that the fairy island is aboveboard compared with the sword of your school. How can you just give it away?" This matter is not appropriate! " Originally, Xuanzhenzi didn’t agree with Qi Shushi’s plan and didn’t really want to send Xiandao. Now, when I heard Zhu Mei politely refuse, I just wanted to stop it down the slope, but I didn’t want Zhu Mei to be faster than him. Zhu Mei answered, "But since Taoist friends and your head are so kind, it’s a little unreasonable for me to decline Qingcheng. It happened that I sent a meeting to hold a sword fight in Qingcheng Mountain. I don’t think that among the disciples who came here this time, the dragon and the phoenix will win. What do you think of the two Taoist friends in Xiandao, Donghai? "
Xuanzhenzi was hesitant when he heard it. The Qingcheng Sect was absolutely not weak. The last time the East China Sea sword fight was narrowly won, it was just that the real player of Qingcheng Sect didn’t go. Thought of here XuanZhenZi couldn’t help thinking of the Zhu Mei’s great disciple JiDeng. If the generation below them say that there are countless talents and beautiful jade. But when it comes to hard work, maybe I can’t compare with Ji Deng, a Zhuge policeman who is famous for his hard work in Emei school. Ji Deng was almost crazy whether he was practicing or fighting, and he was preoccupied with practicing Taoism. In those days, he even had the nickname "Little Enchanter". It’s only in these decades that he didn’t show his fame by walking down the mountain less.
Xuanzhenzi thought for a moment and said, "Since it is a gathering of friends, Zhu Daoyou shouldn’t have refused because of his kind meeting. However, this should also be notified to the palm teacher before it can be answered. " Xuanzhenzi also knows what sword fighting meeting is in his heart! Qingcheng Sect hasn’t had a sword fighting meeting for hundreds of years. Why did we have it as soon as Emei arrived? It’s just these days. Isn’t that for us?
As soon as Xuanzhenzi and Qi Shushi discussed the book of flying swords, they should immediately get off the sword fight. At the same time, Qi Shushi made his eldest daughter Qi Xiaer rush to Qingcheng Mountain for his younger brother and younger sister bring up the rear. This time, the next generation of elite disciples, Emei and Qingcheng, the two main roads, made the most direct collision! What brilliant brilliance will it explode? !

Back to the eighty-seventh sword fight for the island
Yi Yu’s rambling three steps, one step back and two steps, one sentry is like stealing mines. After a long journey, he finally came to the house where he lived when he brought Purple Heart back last time. Yi Yu knock knock gently lowered her voice and said, "Heart to heart! It’s me. Open the door! " Both rhetoric and intonation are like a wolf. It’s just that he shouted twice and nothing happened. Yi Yu felt strange. Isn’t the purple heart temporarily fettered and hasn’t come yet? Hand gently on the door, but the door was just left unlocked. Yi Yu only thought that the purple heart was delayed by something. Hey, hey, the bad smile just happened to hide for a while to scare her. It’s just that he was stunned when he entered the door.
Purple heart didn’t come … But too many people came. I saw that the small room was filled with five beautiful women. The purple heart is squeezed in the middle and can’t move. Looking at Yi Yuqiao’s face is full of regrets and apologies. Next to her arm is a fierce cold calyx, but under that tight face there is endless enthusiasm, eye, indirect affection and warmth. But the enthusiasm of the cold calyx was ruthlessly extinguished by her sister Ziling. JiLingYun is rare also in a noisy with the pool without the appearance of the pool in the purple heart on the other side of a face of satisfiedly looking at Yi Yu. Only Joan Ying, who is still dressed in purple, got up subconsciously as soon as she saw Yi Yu coming in, but somehow stopped. Just standing there silently looking at Yi Yu seems to have a lot to say, but everything is in silence. It looks sad but beautiful!
Yi Yu was startled by the beauty in this room as soon as she entered the room. Look at Purple Heart’s miserable appearance. It doesn’t look like she brought it! But where did he know that just now in the Sanqing Hall, every movement of his fell into the eyes of Han Calyx and Qiong Ying. Of course, Yi Yu and Zi Xin’s self-righteous secret code is no exception. After the purple heart came out, it was eager to go straight here and didn’t notice that it dragged two’ big tails’ behind it.
The Qin sisters have always been inseparable. My sister will catch up with me, and my sister will naturally not be left behind. Lingyun, on the other hand, is a stranger here. That naughty Qi Jinchan has mixed up with Zhuge police and my silly boys again. Just because she has nowhere to go, she naturally stays with her sisters, which is why Joan Ying has gathered here. However, this is also a spectacle. Among the six female disciples of the famous Emei Sect who came here this time, all of them came here to meet Yi Yu except Zheng Bagu. If it comes out, I don’t know how many people will fall below the eyes! And if Xuanzhenzi and the ascetic Buddhist monk knew, would they be angry on the spot? !
Yi Yu took her hand to the back of her head and began to pretend to be stupid and giggle: "Hey, hey, everyone is here! It’s a nice day today, quite suitable for an outing! Well, I’m still cooking rice at home, so I won’t spend much time with you. " I want to go out when I step. Although everyone here is stunning and has a close relationship with him. But Yi Yu knows that if one is Qin Ziling or Qi Lingyun, he has the confidence to live a pleasant and warm afternoon. It’s just that there are five people here, which is beyond Yi Yu’s ability.
Originally, the daughters were too shy to move forward together, that is, they missed Yi Yu’s purple heart and cold calyx very much. Although I really want to go up and hug him, I can only hold my eagerness for the time being in full view of my teachers and sisters. But Yi Yu’s confused words broke this delicate balance.
That Qin Han calyx is a lawless fox who dares to love and hate. I was bullied by Yi Yu in that snowy cave that day, but I was attracted by his overbearing and vicious temperament. Besides, she was not only robbed of her first kiss, but also touched all over her body. If it weren’t for her sister Ziling’s timely arrival, I’m afraid she would have been eaten without even bone pulp. Since then, the two of them have almost no chance to be alone, and that Situping is also gentle, honest, considerate and excellent for cold calyx. However, when Han Calyx faced her nominal husband, she could not find the feeling of being conquered and invaded anyway.
Now it’s easy to follow me to Qingcheng Mountain and meet the hateful bad guy, but that guy is going to run as soon as he sees it! I only looked at it and didn’t speak yet! How can the cold calyx jump like Yi Yu? Yi Yuqing Chu saw a few tears flying in the air with the running beauty and finally disappeared. That’s the heart of Yi Yu’s game, but I didn’t think that the cold calyx of simple and naive could be so …
Of course, it is basically impossible to have a warm and perfect family reunion between five women and a pervert. I was embarrassed to say something in my heart, but I pushed it around first, but no one said it; However, because there were too many spectators present, the scenes that were not suitable for children, which were widely expected, did not appear. It’s just that the girls finally became angry from embarrassment and pressed the culprit to the ground and severely hurt his lovely face and the soft flesh around his waist.
The beauty of Qingcheng is different, the freshness is different, and the beauty of Mount Emei is fantastic and straight. Yi Yu volunteered as a tour guide to introduce the beauty of Qingcheng Mountain one by one after she got out of the clutches. But what makes Yi Yu depressed is purple heart, cold calyx and Qiong Ying. He really took advantage of others. However, Qi Lingyun, who is a big teacher elder sister on weekdays, and Qin Ziling, who protects his sister like a thief, actually came and pinched his face a few times to see it as if it were very enjoyable …
Three days is like a blink of an eye for a monk, but it will also produce a lot of things. In these three days, the Emei School and Qingcheng School, two major women’s organizations in Yi Yusheng’s life, finally met at the Luoying clause. In the absence of Yi Yu, an unknown agreement was reached called "Several Notes on Preventing the Further Spread of Sex maniac Victims". It’s just that when Yi Yu arranged for Yu Chen, one of the little spies, to repeat the specific content, he was seen by the innocent who happened to lead. As a result, Yi Yu still doesn’t know the specific content of this ulterior secret agreement.
The three-day period has come to the place where Yi Yu and Tao Jun played last time. Just for the sake of beauty, this dozens of miles of Fiona Fang has been cut into a plane and looks like a tournament field. The fighting skills between monks are very simple. You can fight as you like in heaven and earth. There are no rules and restrictions, only the outcome.
This sword fighting conference can be described as a grand event of Qingcheng Mountain in a hundred years. Although there is no invitation, the nearby small doors that are attached to Qingcheng or curry favor with Emei are all coming to watch the battle. Of course, it’s true that we can gain more knowledge and experience, but the most important thing is to look at the strength of the next generation of the two factions and evaluate the wind direction in the next few hundred years. For these small families, if they stand in the wrong team, the consequences will be very serious!
Eleven people came to Emei Sect this time, except Qi Jinchan, who was not included in the list on the grounds that minors were not allowed to participate in bloody and violent activities, and the other ten people had to fight. I don’t know what happened to this wily little Zhu Mei. Among the ten people in Emei, except Zi Xin and Sun Nan, the other eight people are all dragons and phoenixes, who are either amazing or with great treasures. Tough to deal with!
On the other hand, Ji Deng, Tao Jun, Yi Yu and Yu Nanqi of Qingcheng School are extremely tough people. Counting down, Chen Taizhen’s injury has not healed, and the two of them are also good. But even so, Qingcheng Mountain is more defeated than less. Is the old fox in Zhu Mei hiding dark chess? Or did he have other plans?
Yi Yu can’t figure out what his master, who is famous for his wisdom, is going to do, so he just puts down his mind and doesn’t want to. Looking at the battle list that I just got, most of my opponents Yi Yu guessed right.
1 Ji Deng Vs Ge Jing me;
2 Shen Tuhong Vs Tao Jun;
3 Yi Yu Vs Laughing Monk;
4 Sun Nan Vs VS Yu Nan Zhai;
5 Zheng Bagu Vs Yang Wei;
6 Qin Ziling Vs Luolu;
7 Qin Han calyx Vs You Huang;
8 Qi Lingyun Vs Di Shengnan;


Sai Passareira guessed right. These things are always won.
As early as the season, he paid great attention to receiving Atletico Madrid news.
Now that you have vowed to beat Atletico Madrid and let the other side regret it, you must be prepared. If you wait for Atletico Madrid to knock at home without making any preparations, it is estimated that he will be laughed at in the end.
After confirming the demotion of Atletico Madrid, he has been looking forward to this day, and the collection of materials has also been sent at this moment.
He is receiving negative reports from the media about Atletico Madrid. For example, they lost again. They didn’t win two games in a row. They were in deep economic crisis. They were at odds with each other …
All kinds of negative news are carefully collected by Changsheng.
Then before training every day, he went to the dressing room and posted his own newspaper clippings on the blackboard.
And then I left everything alone.
This is an important prop to break the myth of Atletico Madrid.
Of course, in order to truly break the superstitious position of Atletico Madrid in Hertha’s heart, it is the most important and key to lead the team to beat Atletico Madrid.
Letting Hertha win Atletico Madrid once can make the players completely abandon that fear.
The actual result is to tell them that Atletico Madrid and Hertha are ordinary people, not monsters with superhuman powers that will not lose blood or get hurt.
At this point, winning is really thanks to that big mouth Bashir.
Because it was his remarks that shook the fear of Atletico Madrid among the players.
Because Hill is so rude, his behavior is disgusting.
A disgusting person will naturally arouse the anger of the other person.
There is less fear after anger.
But it’s not always winning. We need to work harder.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-five Hello, the tenth head coach of the League
One day before the game, the atmosphere is getting more and more tense.
The atmosphere filled everyone’s head as the war approached.
Although Hertha will not fall out of the promotion zone even if they lose this game, they will probably fall out of the first place in the league.
And more importantly, if they lose the game, they can’t fight back against that damn hill.
Hill reduced their head coach to penniless before the game, and if they can’t win, they can’t vent their anger.
It is because of the eagerness to win that the atmosphere has become a little tense.
But winning this time is not worried.
He likes the tension very much.
This means that the players care about this game and are unwilling to give up the pursuit of victory.
In this way, there will be a fight with Atletico Madrid
Changsheng cares about morale and potential.
Morale is something he can control but borrow.
For him, Hill’s remarks before the game were beneficial to him, so he took advantage of the situation and revived the morale and confidence of the players.
He was wondering if he would like to thank a Jesus Hill if he won the game.
Then he felt wrong …
Let’s wait until the end of the season and Atletico Madrid has not successfully upgraded before thanking Jesus Hill.
Whether Hertha can beat Atletico Madrid at home is a very doubtful question.

Suluo wants to shout it out, but two real bosses are in front of him. Suffer it silently.

Who can blame themselves? When you are busy, you forget everything. If you don’t return the information of Gong Yu’s little angel and Xia Han’s big devil, you can let them vent their anger. Men and men can shrink and stretch.
Yeah, that’s it.
What will suluo do now after she finally coaxed the two big sisters away?
Of course, get even with the plane head and let your uncle smile
Now it’s Jiang Xiaoxian’s turn to shiver.
"Where’s the airplane head? Are you going to cut your hair or do you want to catch your hair by reasoning on the spot in the tortoise and rabbit race?"
Suluo touched his new hair style, Xiaoping, before Jiang Xiaoxian answered, and then asked Yince.
"The speed is dying recently. Why haven’t you finished painting Wulongyuan?"
"Can you blame me? At the earliest, you called me stick figure at the back of the manuscript. Forget it. stick figure is stick figure. At least there are still moving shapes and expressions. Draw a section of stick figure. It’s a big circle and write two words. Surprised.
It’s all right. Now the matchmaker’s circle is gone. If you have lines, your roots are lazy and pit me. "
Jiang Xiaoxian burst into tears and complained.
"Are you always lazy? Is this training you to be white?"
Suluo’s face is red and he’s not breathing. He’s just justified.
Jiang Xiaoxian turned up his eyes, hehe.
"How can you always learn from Fu Jian’s old thief and compare with him? It’s just the conscience of the industry, you know?"
Suluo collapsed in the chair and turned to the old thief Fujian, tears streaming down her face. You scum, if you know the story of Fujian, you will know how conscience I have.
I’m just taking stick figure as a pit. You still have to finish the cartoon honestly in front of the readers, and people are so awesome that they can’t even publish the sketch directly. A big piece of white and a small broken figure just went out. This is the limit of moral integrity
Innocent people’s horses are followed by white and black pictures
This is the real limit for you.
Then your innocence is really the limit.
In the end, there was no black and white picture
You didn’t even want to see it
"Who is the rich old thief?"
Jiang Xiaoxian asked with a curious face.
"He’s a man of God, and he’s amazing. He has special treatment that makes people love and hate ghosts. If you want to draw, you can draw a chapter. If you don’t want to draw, you can stop publishing and play mahjong for all kinds of wonderful reasons."
"For this reason, all the fans want to be mahjong masters to win all his money and let him draw cartoons well."
"Do you know what to call him an old thief?"
Jiang Xiaoxian shook his head. I don’t even know what you said.
And suluo continued to preach by himself.
"Old and immortal thief, everyone who falls into his pit gnashes his teeth at him, hoping that he will die, but afraid that he will die before the pit is filled. buff can keep blessing him, wishing him good health and a long life. He is honored as an old thief."
Suluo got stuck in the memory and laughed and said.
Suluo couldn’t help laughing when he thought of the shameless deeds of the rich old thief.
When you fall into the prehistoric pit of a professional hunter, it’s like seeing the hunter fall into the sky in a flash. You are a genius.
And then there was no then.
When chasing pirates, I still think that Ota painted slowly, only to find out that he is actually a model worker, while other cartoonists can calculate who is better than Fujian.

The heart is beating faster and faster, and the fear is bound to turn around. Xiaoxuan can stare big eyes and let tears slide her face, but she can’t move. Fourteen years have passed, and she has never felt such a breath. The eyes are moving at hand, which is the light of death. This light bi scattered the sunshine, and the warmth remained cold. She trembled and wanted to call out, but she couldn’t shout out a word.

The sunshine throws sh to her face again. Xiaoxuan is still lying on the ground. The Terran teenager has left her side, but it is still cold without any warmth. Cooling is her heart.
"Did I go too far?"
Feathering and Cen walked side by side towards the stockade and asked in a low voice, but at this moment Cen was silent and lost in thought in fear, and he didn’t pay attention to what he said. Feathering had ever seen is vacant and lonely.
After a while, Cencai nodded silently. "It’s too much for a child, but it’s nothing. I’ve killed dozens of people at my age."
Looking back on the past, you will have a sharp face.
Feather is the most afraid of seeing her. It’s like smelling blood. The little wolf wants to jump out and doesn’t know what he can attack. There is always a period when he doesn’t want to think about when he can completely release it in the past. Feather sighed and stretched out his hand and held her hand. Her hand was cold, too.
But Cen’s heart turned hot and laughed. "This kind of thing has to make the wood see it and piss her off."
Feather quickly let go but Cen grabbed his hand. "Hey, hey, don’t try to escape."
"What about cheating?"
When the feather came out, there was a strong wind behind him, and he smiled and turned around, and his left hand stretched out firmly and caught a hammer.
"I will definitely learn!"
The river network is less nv gnashing her teeth and glaring at each other
"Learn not to cry first." Yu Hua greeted her, and her eyes became dignified again, but she reached out and wiped the tears from her face.
Small nv child sipped his mouth and nodded stubbornly.
Cen push feather criticise way "you are not ready to cry? Are you embarrassed to talk about others? " Talking, I hugged the shoulders of the rivers and rivers. "Come with me to the mountains and teach you breathing naturalness first. This is a compulsory course. You have to learn to adjust your breathing to the point where the natural environment blends."
Two little nv go hand in hand, scratch one’s hair and laugh for a while, then turn around and continue to walk to Village N.
There is a middle-aged f people who are worried about the N side of the village < d Chapter 135 How can you be found everywhere?
Text] Chapter 135 How can you be found everywhere-
Sunlight shines on middle-aged nv’s coarse clothes and white clothes. It seems that there is ngng light. She quietly and kindly looks at Cen with Xiaoxuan entering the tunnel. Through the tunnel, they will enter Beimang Mountain. Middle-aged nv people don’t know what Cen is going to do with Xiaoxuan, but she heard Feather just now.
"There are still 16 days before the graduation ceremony. If you can’t learn breathing in this period, you will die!"
Feather said that this sentence was not a joke expression in her eyes. This is what she is most worried about. This Terran teenager can see through at a glance that she is a simple and purely sloppy person, but she can’t figure out why this Terran teenager would say such a thing.
"If Xiaoxuan really can’t learn to breathe, will you really kill her?"
Feather cocked his head and smiled slyly and asked in the past, "Y Jia Su Xing, if I kill Xiao Xuan, will I be dismembered by your lun blade?"
Y yoga also smiled, "I was really afraid that Xiaoxuan was frightened by you."
"I’m not trying to scare her. I want her to know that the world is equivalent. There’s nothing that can be achieved. If she wants to learn martial arts, she should pay a price and realize it."
Y yoga stare blankly looked at the young sunshine is a little sad, she doesn’t know feather reminded of lovesickness month, these words are lovesickness month once said, but the absolute beauty spirit nv didn’t stay in this world for long, Y yoga felt that this young man was not as simple as imagined.
"Miss Cen is bloody and wants to kill evil. I’m afraid Xiaoxuan will be taught badly."
"It’s better to let Cen teach you the first thing in martial arts practice."

But if the room temperature drops, will the "lucky ones" be very uncomfortable? There is a record in the data that purebred humans seem to be particularly vulnerable …

She hesitated to shrink her claws and finally looked at her soft white Mao Mao "…"
She seems to have made some kind of decision. Her cheeks are red and she pushed open the heavy mechanical door. When she looks up, she should be in bed, but the human teenager is nowhere to be found.
Bai Muling’s pupil shrank, and the sharp claw tip instantly popped up a whole heavy iron gate, which caused extremely cold white smoke in the tearing crack of her sharp claw.
Without waiting for her to come to her senses.
In the dark, several red lights light up and the alarm goes on and on.
Independent of the master brake system, the alarm has been sounded!
And this warning will only sound in one situation.
The one with the basement is hatching when something starts to move-
The huge shock wave exploded from the ground, and Bai Muling’s huge claws blocked her face. In the Gangfeng, her eyes narrowed, and her whole heavy body slammed into four or five walls. For a moment, a pair of cold and hard white wings suddenly expanded behind the white cat man and took her to fly with the wind.
And other people who are out of control are also inexplicably blown up.
She flew high into the sky, and through the night, she saw the whole hatching base crack from it, with white smoke billowing.
And a huge robot about 60 meters high tore open the "eggshell" of the incubation base, and his blue eyes were extremely cold.
Bai Muling saw that its body was in a mess-it can’t be called a "body". It’s almost unreasonable, just like a pile of mechanical garbage.
But it happened that it was completely operational.
It is indifferent in smoke and explosive fireworks, but its hands are flat as if holding something precious.
Bai Muling chills in his heart, but he is inexplicably excited.
She knew he was awake.
For a moment, Bai Muling bowed her head and saw the human teenager sitting in the other hand.
Starlight fell on his soft hair, and his golden eyes shone like stars
Bai Muling saw that the young man smiled at her with red lips and white teeth.
He ordered the huge robot to "get me out of here"
He looked at Bai Muling.
"You won’t stop me, will you?"
Bai Muling stared at the teenager. She felt her heart thump thump. She realized that she had no way to refuse to give her the name "Lucky".
She can’t refuse to give her a unique meaning.
Liu Hanyi is very obedient.
The robot helped Su Jiao leave the incubation base smoothly.
The robot seems to want to kill those who stop losing control, but Su Jiao stops it.
Those out of control are dangerous.
But these days, although I don’t want to admit it, they are really good to him except that he is not allowed to go out.
Now that we have successfully left the incubation base, that’s how to help mankind tide over the difficulties … This can take a long-term view slowly.
"Although but …" Su Jiao sat on the shoulder of a huge robot and let him take himself into the dilapidated steel jungle. "I care a little …"
Is already a huge mechanical body LiuHan a "well? He always speaks slowly, just like an old computer with the most backward processor and graphics card.
Su Jiao hesitated to say, "That your brain …"
The huge brain soaked in the green liquid in the big fish tank …
"Did you leave it in the incubation center?"
Liu Hanyi ""
You have something to say.
Liu Hanyi is actually not a big problem (
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

Xin Yao watched and had to admit that it was elegant for the princess to vomit something.

Although junxian is a unruly princess!
Junze frowns and looks at Jun’s envy. She will never tamper with this wine. She is always honest.
And Xin Yao Junze looked at her sly eyes and gave birth to some doubts.
"The Princess Palace is not necessarily too serious." Xin Yao smiled and she had found Junze suspicious of her.
And what he didn’t say was that he didn’t recognize that someone would give himself medicine and find it hard!
But this theory is another matter to put such a bad environment and such a wonderful body!
Who told the princess nothing to provoke?
Who put her at a disadvantage?
This so-called death and afterlife!
Who said she forgot?
The whole story-
Of course, her claws are fast enough!
And equipped enough!
That kind of flower and fruit is her favorite food. A little red fruit tastes sour and sweet, but it has some shortcomings …
It tastes sour when you throw it into the wine!
And before she came in, she ate one, lost one, sprayed Jun Xian in her wine, took the opportunity to swallow it and threw it into the cup, and no one saw it!
There are no microscopes and inspection institutions. In ancient times, it was really hard to find out!
Xin Yao ordered thirty-two praises in his heart!
Beating is so witty!
"Lin xin yao! You are scheming! You tampered with this wine, didn’t you? ! ! ! !” You envy a little face and become a pig liver color.
"I don’t think the princess is smart, but Xin Yao won’t make myself feel bad, and she is also charged with framing the princess, which really scares me."
Xin Yao can’t pretend to be a bit idiotic.
Ling Yan compared Xin Yao with two middle fingers.
What a shame!
Humble yourself to raise the princess, but in fact, you hit her face hard!
Xin Yao suddenly blinked at Junze and asked, "I don’t know if the emperor is available now, but I haven’t paid my respects today …"
She pretended to be pathetic as if she had been greatly wronged.
Her monologue is that people have been cut by Qihoo and want to be comforted and hugged by the emperor!
Let me know by the way!
Junze coughed and stopped him, wishing to send you a sigh of relief. "I’m afraid your brother is a little busy at the moment. Why don’t you go with the king later?"
"Three elder brother! Why don’t you help me! She’s making trouble! ! ! ! !” You admire the injustice of the Committee, and there is something of arrogance and femininity in the voice.
"Jun Yu!" Junze looked at Jun and admired her eyes with a kind of harshness, which Jun Chen had never done to her.
Jun Chen spoiled her almost without boundaries, but he, the third prince, still upheld justice.
"You envy this few days to stay in the palace and have a good rest." Junze light way
Xin Yao low sigh tut tut three report is a cow!
You envy a grind one’s teeth and stomp one’s foot on Junze and run out with a bunch of mammy maids behind you.
Xin Yao started to run Junze, and her eyes were like an ice ridge, so she stopped. "Lin Xiang followed the king to inquire after his brother."
"Yes, I did." Xin Yao complained.
It is common for people to salute Junze all the way through the spacious road …
Can Mao Xinyao think that these people have more eyes and she stops? !
My ears are alert. Xin Yao wakes up. GE’s new skills are so good that she can hear Ling Yanjun lying outside the palace gate for half a day. So good that she can hear the conversation between eunuchs and maids twenty meters away.

Xiao Yan?

"I’m asking you, is this your magic emperor?"
Nonyl and decyl kowtowed and couldn’t say a word.
The finger was rubbed by the fluffy head again, and two swan cubs fluttered their wings "goo goo!"
Kneeling on the ground, two people are even more scared and weak. Xiao Yan can’t ask anything from their mouths, so let them go out first.
The door of the temple was closed, and Xiao Yan picked up Goose with one hand and looked at him with bright eyes.
"Goo goo?"
Look at the reaction of Ren and Gui. Does this beautiful and lovely gosling really seem to be Molly?
Qi Jiantong is still in a coma. Xiao Yan took the gosling to the magic palace first and turned a circle.
They fell into the palace, which seemed to be a partial temple. The rest of the buildings were more magnificent, and you couldn’t see the dome when you looked up.
Murray once gave Xiao Yan a skeleton puppet. Seeing the puppet is like seeing the magic emperor owning (passing) the puppet, and the status of the puppet is high in the magic temple.
Everyone in the palace knows this. When they see Xiao Yan respectfully, they automatically retreat to the side of the road and bow their heads. When Xiao Yan walks by, they dare to follow at a distance.
Being treated like an emperor, Xiao Yan can barely accept other methods-every demon sees the black swan cub as if he had seen the devil!
When it’s light, it’s five-body, three-knocking and nine-worshipping; Or panic to fainting.
Xiao Yan looked at the swan cub with a complicated expression.
Goose crouched at his neckline and looked at him with dark little eyes. "Goo?"
Look at it horizontally and vertically, it’s all a little goose. What’s to be afraid of?
It must be that the magic people are too afraid of Murray, and even now Murray has become a goose, they are still afraid.
The inferno is afraid of scaring the inferno like this. How cruel is Murray? It seems that he was beaten to the door by the rebels. There is a reason why Xiao Yan reasonably suspects that the people in the magic temple will take the initiative to open the gate and greet him with the kettle pulp when they know that the rebels are calling.
The 19th underworld didn’t change day and night, and there was no timing tool. I don’t know how long it took, maybe one day, maybe ten days. Qi Jiantong finally woke up.
Xiao Yan was feeding the geese by his side when he woke up.
"Are you all right?" JiJianTong seize Xiao Yan sleeve.
"I’m fine, but there’s something wrong with Murray."
JiJianTong "where is Murray? !”
Xiao Yan hands holding a goose cub to JiJianTong eyes.
Goose cubs stretch their necks "goo goo!"
For three minutes, the two demons stared at each other and stared at each other. Qi Jiantong laughed. He grabbed the goose cub with one hand and some arrogant little things cooed in his palm.
"Look at Xiao Yan. Don’t you want Murray to take you out of the underworld? Let this goose cub guide you quickly. "
"Now is not the time to be sarcastic." Xiao Yan made a sudden snatch to recapture the Murray goose cubs, probably frightened and shivering in Xiao Yan’s palm.
"How do we leave?"
The magic army outside can attack at any time, and they will kill Xiao Yan and Murray’s colleagues quickly.
Xiao Yan told JiJian about the rebels, but one build what did not build teased the goose.
"We’ll kill you as soon as you are ready."
Xiao Yan was angry. "Can you be serious? This is a matter of life. I am not in the mood to joke with you. At this time, we may be two bodies!"
Qi Jiantong raised his eyes and revealed a little black pupil in his crystal red eyes. "I never joke."
Xiao Yan "You just woke up from a coma and thought about killing out? There are hundreds of magic troops outside! "
"Don’t worry, I won’t drag you with me even if I want to commit suicide."
"I think I’d better find a way to join the celestial world."
Qi Jiantong frowned. "Xiao Yan, you don’t believe me so much?"
Xiao Yan frantically ordered Lingshan token, expecting it to respond. After entering the underworld, Lingshan token lost contact with the outside world, and he could not summon other employees or even Lian Xianzun.
"When I was in a coma, magic eye and other demons found a weak defensive path."
"Is it dangerous?"
"Are you worried about me?"
Xiao Yan looked at him with a language expression.
Qi Jiantong sneered at "the underworld will not be as safe as your Xiao mansion"
Xiao Yan ignored him and continued to poke the token
His wrist was suddenly held by Qi Jiantong. "Come here."
Qi Jiantong took him to the corner of the hall, but he stepped back dozens of steps in the middle of the hall.
"If you want to kill me, I will release my magic, which means I will change back to my original shape." Qi Jiantong shouted.
"How big are you?" Xiao Yan took two steps forward. "I can’t hear you!"
Qi Jiantong "is about the size of a six-story residential building!"
"Oh," Xiao Yan went back again, very far away. No wonder the magic temple was built so big that it was not magic at all.
"It’s after I changed back to the abyss magic prototype …" JiJianTong looked at Xiao Yan from a distance and said with a sigh, "Nothing."
Xiao Yan shouted, "What will happen after you finish talking and return to your original shape!"
It took a long time to hear Qi Jiantong answer, "Don’t worry."
After breathing, the blood mist transpired and the ground was so hot that it seemed that the skin was burned through the soles of shoes by the temperature of baked red steel plates.
The heat wave spread out around the sword coaxially and wantonly, and the high temperature made the head and eyes dim, even the stone wall seemed to be melting
Xiao Yan repeatedly took two steps back and hit the wall with burning pain. He immediately pierced his spine and exhaled in pain. The gosling followed suit.
"Xiao Yan"
It was Qi Jian who was calling, but his voice became unfamiliar, like a terrible echo in deep hell.
Through the color in the blood, you can vaguely see that JiJianTong is twisting and expanding.
A heat wave came upon me, and Xiao Yan closed his eyes in a conditioned way, and a piece of flesh color was in his sight.